Comuni 2.0. Una ricerca esplorativa sull’impiego dei social media negli Enti Locali
The current technological advances have made possible the availability of information and
communication technologies more and more powerful and allowed to public and private
organizations to be profoundly transformed. Web 2.0 and social media are increasingly taking on a
major role in the socio-economic contemporary context, helping to change not only the processes
and procedures for communication of individuals, citizens and businesses, but also the same
organization and business management. With the development of the Web social networks it has
become primarily a place where conversations take place, we dialogue, creating new opportunities
for connecting people. Millions of users around the world log on every day to different social sites,
through which the information arise, circulate and spread with a speed and following completely
new paths. The evolution that characterizes the current information and interaction via the Web
scenario is profoundly changing the public sector approach to the network, even in our country.
Many Public Administrations (PA), in their path of renewal and improvement, have recently begun
to manage profiles and pages of different social media to seek more room for dialogue and
cooperation with citizens and all other stakeholders. This paper aims to investigate aspects related
to the use of web 2.0 tools by the Public Administration in the particular area consists of the Italian
municipalities.Exploratory research on which the theory is based is intended to provide an overview
on the adoption and diffusion of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) among the Italian
municipalities. Given the strong link with the citizens and the territory, the municipalities are
therefore a particularly suitable context to investigate how social mediawereused in the public
sector. In the first part, purely theoretical mold, it will focus on the public administration reform
process by reviewing the main contributions of the literature, and especially from the paradigm of
the new public management to public governance, in order to understand the logic and purpose that
inspired the Italian administration's change process. In this context, the purpose of a fair assessment
of the perspective, then we will focus on the analysis of e-government tool, that is, the use of digital
technologies in carrying out their functions of government institutions, and in relation to specific
functions the government of the territorial systems, focusing on the state of computerization of
public administrations. The third chapter of the thesis is dedicated to reviewing the web 2.0
phenomena and social media, with particular attention to the spread of the Internet and new
technologies for communication.
The themes examined relate in particular to social media in government, the use of internet in the
Italian population as well as the growth and structure of social networks.
In the fourth chapter, we present the main results of the conduct exploratory research on Italian
municipalities The research was conducted by administering an online questionnaire divided into
the following sections:
- Level of diffusion of social media and intensity of investments made in this area by the
municipalities in the last three years,
- Purpose and characteristics of the use of social media by municipalities;
- Forecasting of investments in social media over the next three years.
Research conducted on Italian municipalities has shown that, in general, these organizations
recognize social media in an innovative tool that can edit some important government processes
traditionally managed by the municipalities, for example, the offering of services, strategic business
planning the definition and evaluation of policies. In most cases, however, the actions of the
municipalities concerned almost exclusively processes of unidirectional communication type,
namely the mere exchange of information to citizens by the city or conversely. The experiences of
Italian municipalities that fully exploit the features of web 2.0 social media are, in fact, still few and
embryonic, namely their ability to start and manage discussions and debates (not only exchanges of
information but also of opinions, judgments, etc.) of multilateral (including citizens). It is not
possible to assess with certainty the actual stage of maturity reached by the e-Government and made
implementation type (soft or hard) in the various municipalities that were subject of this research.
Nonetheless, confirming the lack of uniformity in the spread and the limited "maturity" of the e-
Government development stage in Italy, investment in these instruments covers a percentage of
municipalities still contained.
The Italian context was characterized by being misaligned in some way than the average trend of
the UE countries, with particular reference to the objectives and digitization of PA performance. In
addition, the presence of many regulatory constraints, as well as constraints on organizational,
technological, cultural, and financial, in fact, admits a number of critical issues related to the
absence of a centralized coordination of initiatives undertaken. States, therefore, the implicit need
for a central coordinating structure, centralized governance that addresses and monitors the entire
spectrum of projects for the digitization of the PA. The relationship between Government and
citizens is experiencing a period of profound change: institutional sites are no longer the main point
of access to information. More and more people are looking for on the Web solution to their
problems, inform through their networks of relationships, and seek direct dialogue with your
partner. The Italian public administration must build new modes of interaction and participation,
enhancing the perception of transparency and efficiency. [edited by Author]