Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 225
Sul controllo dello Stato di diritto nell’Unione europea
(2020)This article concerns the procedures of control of the respect of the rule of law, that is one of the values on which the Union is founded, in accordance with Article 2 TEU. Article 7 TEU provides for a procedure by which ... -
Diritti, Carte e politiche pubbliche
(2020)In the European multilevel protection of fundamental rights, which involves the national judicial system, the supranational bodies and the international protection of human rights, the relations between Constitutional ... -
Immigrazione irregolare e diritti umani: la prospettiva della Corte EDU e della Corte UE
(2020)States have the right to regulate the presence of foreigners in their territory, provided that such regulation is not contrary to their international obligations, especially within the European framework. The European ... -
Osservazioni sul diritto alla cittadinanza nella prospettiva universale e regionale. L’identità della cittadinanza dell’Unione europea in caso di revoca della cittadinanza nazionale
(2020)In the current stage of movements of people across States, citizenship and its revocation are a particularly topical issue. This essay investigates the characters of the relationship between State autonomy in regulating ... -
Procesamiento informático de datos y protección de derechos fundamentales en las fronteras exteriores de la Unión europea
(2020)The migration crisis and terrorist attacks committed in several Member States have shown that in order to address the challenges of migration, terrorism and crime, it is essential to invest in the improvement of the ... -
Alcuni cenni sulla gestione delle frontiere dell’Unione europea e la disciplina della protezione internazionale in Italia. Quali garanzie per la sicurezza e il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali?
(2020)The aim of the article is to examine some recent EU legislative acts in the field of migration that have an impact on the fight against international terrorism in the Schengen area and to critically analyze the regulatory ... -
L’Unione europea e l’erosione dello Stato di diritto in Polonia
(2020)This contribution reconstructs the most relevant contents of the judicial reform promoted in Poland by the dominant party «Law and Justice» (PiS) since 2015, focusing on the responses offered by the European Union to ... -
Integrazione degli immigrati e rispetto della diversità culturale nel diritto dell’Unione europea
(2019)In the numerous EU law writings dealing with the integration of immigrants, the doctrine has focused on the principle that this must fundamentally tend to foster the gradual assimilation of immigrants into the social and ... -
La circolazione degli atti pubblici nello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia
(2019)The article builds on the renewed interest in the circulation of public documents and authentic instruments in the European judicial area, reflected by the adoption of Regulation 2016/1191, which simplifies the formalities ... -
La (olvidada) perspectiva de género en el Derecho internacional privado
(2019)The necessity of a gender perspective in Private international law is observed with emphasis in several aspects of family law and the treatment done in this regard to the women’s rigths. In particular, this article focuses ... -
Litispendenza comunitaria ed electio fori: la deroga al criterio della prevenzione temporale secondo l’art. 31, par. 2 del regolamento (UE) n. 1215/2012
(2019)Article 31(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 is an important innovation in the area of agreements on jurisdiction, as it introduces a derogation from the principle of temporal prevention governing lis pendens. This ... -
La Corte di giustizia UE afferma l’irrevocabilità della qualità di rifugiato e il carattere assoluto del divieto di respingimento. Quali indicazioni per il giudice nazionale?
(2019)In a recent judgement of May 14, 2019 the EU Court of Justice ruled that Article 14, paragraphs 4 to 6, of Directive 2011/95/EU, concerning the hypothesis of “[r]evocation of, ending of or refusal to renew refugee status”, ... -
Il principio dei “best interests of the child” e la tutela della vittima minorenne nello spazio giuridico e giudiziario europeo
(2019)This study focuses on the application of the principle of the “best interests of the child” in international law and in the European legal and judicial area in cases where the child is a vulnerable victim. Particular ... -
Tristes, Solitarias y Finales: la Convenzione di Strasburgo del 1964 e la decisione quadro 2008/947/GAI sulla sorveglianza all’estero delle misure di sospensione condizionale e delle sanzioni sostitutive
(2019)Prison overcrowding is a key issue for several European states, which has been tackled in their respective areas of competence by both the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. A possible ... -
In tema di informazioni sui Paesi di origine nella procedura di riconoscimento della protezione internazionale
(2019)The UNHCR has provided indications concerning the principles and methods that should be used in establishing the conditions needed for the recognition of refugee status. The UNHCR directions show the centrality of the ... -
Comentarios sobre el reto de una estrategia española de seguridad aeroespacial y ciertas lagunas jurídicas
(2019)This article analyzes the steps that Spain is taking on aerospace safety following the criteria of the European Union within the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Special emphasis is made on the recent ... -
Rapporti interordinamentali e rapporti interistituzionali in circolo (scenari, disfunzioni, rimedi)
(2019)This study focuses on the mutual implications existing between the relationships among legal orders (especially, between domestic and EU law) and those among different institutions, at both the supranational and national ...