Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 225
To trust or not to trust? Fiducia e diritti fondamentali in tema di mandato d’arresto europeo e sistema comune di asilo
(2019)Mutual trust, even if not established in the Union primary law, is a fundamental principle on which the area of freedom, security and justice is built on. The paper analyses the recent case law of the Court of justice ... -
The challenge of today’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: a re-appropriation of the balance between claims of national security and fundamental rights
(2019)The twentieth anniversary of the area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) brings to light several transformations with regard to border management, and also several concerns that did not cease to reemerge twenty years ... -
The tale of the European sandcastle: on the convergence and divergence of national detention systems across the European Union
(2019)Despite European organizations holding normative and monitoring influence over detention-related matters, the situation in national penitentiaries across the EU exhibits great disparities. The failure of national authorities ... -
La nécessaire harmonisation du visa humanitaire dans le droit de l’Union Européenne au prisme de l’asile
(2019)Nowadays, the European Union is facing illegal crossing of its external borders by people fleeing wars and unsafe situations, endangering their lives in favor of human traffickers’ networks. In this context, the lack of ... -
Il primo parere consultivo della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo tra maternità surrogata e genitorialità “intenzionale”: il possibile impatto nell’ordinamento giuridico italiano
(2019)This article aims to carry out an analysis of the first advisory opinion of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued last 10 April 2019 in the area of surrogacy and its possible effects in the Italian legal system. ... -
Il difficile cammino verso una “tutela integrata” delle donne vittime di violenza nello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia: sviluppi normativi e perduranti profili di criticità
(2019)In the multilevel system of protection of fundamental rights, the protection of women victims of violence, who are vulnerable persons, is based on the principle of non-discrimination laid down in EU law (Art. 21 of the ... -
EU Readmission Agreements as Tools for Fighting Irregular Migration: An Appraisal Twenty Years on from the Tampere European Council
(2019)The EU has concluded so far seventeen readmission agreements with third countries with the aim of combating irregular immigration into its territories, as part of the strategic guidelines of the EU Area of Freedom, ... -
L’incidenza sulla Brexit della sentenza della Corte di giustizia UE del 10 dicembre 2018
(2019)The article highlights the main reasons for the uncertainty of future scenarios for UK-EU relations following the ruling by the EU Court of Justice of 10 December 2018. Based on an evolutionary interpretation of article ... -
Governing Asylum with (or without) Solidarity? The Difficult Path of Relocation Schemes, Between Enforcement and Contestation
The progressive emergence of EU policies on migration, asylum and visa is based upon the Schengen integration process, which has conceptualized the EU’s common external border as a juxtaposition of the MS ones. Upon this ... -
La protezione dei dati nel settore della cooperazione giudiziaria e di polizia in materia penale alla luce della direttiva (UE) 2016/680: frammentazione ed incertezze applicative
(2019)Data protection in the context of law enforcement requires specific rules because of the particular nature of the field. However, such rules have proliferated, especially as a result of the problems of the EU institutions ... -
Sulla (im)mobilità sanitaria transfrontaliera nel contesto della (il)libertà di circolazione e di cura all’interno del territorio europeo: il “caso” inglese del piccolo Alfie Evans
(2019)This article is focused on the medical and judicial “case” of a little, English patient, Alfie Evans, suffering from a neurodegenerative pathology with probable genetic cause, which cannot be counteracted with the currently ... -
Accordi informali con Stati terzi in materia di gestione dei flussi migratori: considerazioni critiche con riferimento alla prassi dell’Unione europea e dell’Italia
(2019)The growth of the migratory phenomenon and the resulting challenges have led the European Union to develop a migration policy that aims to “defend” its southern borders and to reduce the number of people entering its ... -
Ultimi sviluppi sull'Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni: l'ingresso nel sistema delle Nazioni Unite e la proposta di creare una governance euro-mediterranea dei flussi migratori
(2018)The complex legal/institutional evolution that has always characterized the International Organization for Migration (IOM) culminated in the recent 2016 agreement on relations with the United Nations that defines this ... -
Una "procedura di infrazione" anche nel sistema CEDU: similitudini e divergenze rispetto al "modello UE" ex artt. 258-260 TFUE
(2018)This article purports to analyse the “infringement proceedings” ex art. 46, paras. 4-5 ECHR in comparison to the “EU model” ex arts 258-260 TFEU, underlining similarities and divergences between them, in particular in the ... -
I cittadini europei inattivi e le condizioni per l'accesso alle prestazioni di assistenza sociale in uno Stato membro ospitante: quale lezione dall'ordinamento USA?
(2018)EU migrants’ access to social assistance appears still strongly and incrementally related to the duration of their residency in the host Member State. In the US legal order, the mere bona fide simple residence is sufficient ... -
The fragmentation of reception conditions for asylum seekers in the European Union: Protecting fundamental rights or preventing long-term integration?
(2018)This article investigates the unequal treatment of asylum seekers across the European Union (EU). In particular, this article explores the way in which Directive 2013/33/EU (the “Reception Conditions Directive”) itself ... -
La transposición de la orden europea de investigación en materia penal en el ordenamiento español
(2018)The Directive 2014/41/EU, regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters, introduces into the field of judicial cooperation a new and necessary instrument of mutual recognition for the transnational acquisition ... -
La (faticosa) ricerca di valori condivisi nelle politiche europee di gestione dei flussi migratori
(2018)The international vocation of human rights contributes to enrich the heritage of values of each State and, at the same time, requires the establishment of guarantee instruments that transcend national boundaries and disregard ...