Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 225
Mandato di arresto europeo e protezione dei diritti umani: problemi irrisolti e “incoraggianti” sviluppi giurisprudenziali
(2017)The article deals with the problem of the relationship between the European Arrest Warrant and the protection of Human Rights. By the analysis of the most important European Court’s cases-law in this subject, it is ... -
Us and Them: Restricting EU Citizenship Rights Through the Notion of Social Integration
(2017)The article addresses the impact of the concept of social integration on the European Union citizenship regime. Despite the lack of a clear legal definition, integration is gradually becoming a key cross-cutting category ... -
Dalla direttiva 2011/95/UE alla proposta di Regolamento qualifiche: quale futuro per la protezione internazionale nell’ordinamento UE?
(2017)The European Institutions are currently examining a new reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). The reform at stake casts many doubts both with reference to the effectiveness of the measures provided in ... -
Lotta al terrorismo e riconoscimento dello status di rifugiato nel quadro normativo e giurisprudenziale europeo: un rapporto problematico
(2017)The European Union directive 2011/95 deals with a very thorny question: the relationship between terrorism and the denial of refugee status. In fact, Article 12 of the directive provides that a person is not recognized ... -
Movilidad, soberanìa e “interoperabilidad” de los sistemas penales en la Unión Europea
(2017)The political integration in the EU, made the rules of the mutual legal assistance insufficient. The old model of mutual assistance was replaced approaching the judicial cooperation within the EU to the cooperation between ... -
European Judicial Space and Diplomatic Relations: A Uniform Conflict of Law Issue?
(2017)Undeniably, Public and Private international law have common roots, and courts have dwelled on a number of occasions whether or not they can apply the law of a State that is not recognised, or with whom the State of the ... -
The National Identity, in the Service of National Identities
(2017)From the outset, Community law had an absolute authority on national law. The primacy of the EU law has always been one of its fundamental characteristics which ensures its uniform application on the territory of the ... -
Le frontiere fisiche e le frontiere del diritto dell’Unione europea nei Territori d’oltremare e negli altri Territori speciali: limite o opportunità per l’integrazione europea?
(2017)The article aims to highlight the relationship between the European Union and the Overseas Territorial Entities (Outermost Regions, Overseas Countries and Territories and sui generis territories), which is characterized ... -
Are You Syrious? Il diritto europeo delle migrazioni dopo la fine dell’emergenza alla frontiera orientale dell’Unione
(2017)By asking “Are You Syrious?”, this essay refers to the critical issues of EU migration, asylum and border law that have arisen following the closure of the Balkan route, especially in relation to the situation of Syrian ... -
I residenti provenienti da Paesi terzi: cittadini senza cittadinanza?
(2017)The progressive increase in migration flows to the European Union affects the process of integration of non-EU nationals, which is currently at a very complex and sensitive stage. This essay points out that, despite the ... -
Lo spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia alla prova delle più evolute forme di cooperazione amministrativa
(2017)The most advanced forms of administrative cooperation established by EU law have marked the evolution from cooperation mechanisms having a merely auxiliary character for the activities of national authorities (such as ... -
Jurisdiction in Contractual Matters under the Brussels Ia Regulation: Where do Mixed Contracts Stand?
(2017)This paper addresses how the rules regarding jurisdiction in contractual matters provided for in the Brussels Ia Regulation (having the same scope of the previous Brussels I) may be applied to cases involving mixed ... -
The Enforcement of Posted Workers' Rights Across the European Union
(2017)The phenomenon of posting of workers is increasing across the European Union Member States and contributes to the development of the internal market. In the framework of transnational provision of services, the Directive ... -
Alcune note sulla dimensione esterna dello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia dopo il Consiglio europeo di giugno 2017
(2017)In the last European Council (June 2017) security and defence are again at the top of the agenda a long time after the defaulting of the European Community Defence (1954). Security and safety are both essential. Globalisation ... -
(2017) -
Uno spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia a misura di minori: la sfida (in)compiuta dell’Unione europea nei casi di sottrazione internazionale
(2017)Children’s rights are addressed in various international instruments and in Brussels IIa Regulation (No 2201/2003). Having regard to EU competence in private international law issues related to family matters, Member ... -
In the Court(s) We Trust - A Procedural Solution to the Mutual Trust Dilemma
(2017)This paper scrutinizes the multi-faceted implementation of mutual trust and recognition in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and suggests subjecting the operation of these principles to a stricter procedural ... -
Mobilità nell’impiego e diritti dei lavoratori: riflessioni tra cooperazione in materia civile e relazioni esterne dell’Unione europea
(2017)This paper focuses on the mobility of posted workers both within the EU and at an international level. From the first point of view a fundamental role is played by the p.i.l. rules on the applicable law contained not only ...