Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 225
Luci e ombre della Convenzione di Nicosia
(2022)The Council of Europe Convention on Offences Relating to Cultural Property (Nicosia, 2017), which is today in force for six States, aims to establish a uniform regime in a field where the prevention and suppression of ... -
In Search of the Legal Boundaries of an “Open Society”. The Case of Immigrant Integration in the EU
(2022)Diversity and pluralism are embedded in the political project of the Union as based on the archetype of a liberal “open society”. At the same time, the preservation and promotion of these values is being increasingly ... -
Il difficile bilanciamento tra sicurezza nazionale e tutela dei diritti fondamentali nella “data retention saga” dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia
(2022)The annulment of Directive 2006/24/EC has triggered a close dialogue between national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union on the legality and proportionality of national data retention laws on the ... -
La sesta direttiva antiriciclaggio e la sua attuazione nell’ordinamento italiano: alcune considerazioni
(2022)This paper, after a brief reconstruction of the evolution of EU law on judicial cooperation in criminal matters and anti-money laundering, analyzes the main changes introduced with Directive (EU) 2018/1673 and critically ... -
Il Panopticon digitale. I cookies tra diritto e pratica nell’Unione europea
(2022)The article aims to provide a critical analysis of the development of the use of cookies in EU law and practice. A specific focus is also given to the transfer of personal data outside the EU, particularly to the United ... -
L’ordine pubblico processuale e la tutela dei diritti di difesa tra Corti europee e italiane
(2022)Procedural public order, which is intended to guarantee respect for the principles of procedure and the rights of the defence associated with a fair trial, is one of the limits that remain in place to prevent the effects, ... -
Alla ricerca di una definizione del diritto d’asilo nell’ottica di una riforma di sistema: quale ruolo per le Corti europee?
(2022)In the context of the launch a new phase of reform of the Common European Asylum System, marked by the adoption of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, this paper aims to investigate the role of the European Courts in ... -
Diritto di adire un giudice nel sistema “integrato” CEDU-UE e strumenti “deflattivi” del contenzioso a partire dal caso Succi e altri c. Italia
(2022)This contribution, moving from the ECtHR case Succi v. Italy, where the Court condemns the excessive formalism of the principle of self-sufficiency of the cassation appeal , analyzes the compatibility of these litigation ... -
Il ruolo delle giurisdizioni nazionali in materia di aiuti di Stato nell’ambito dello Spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia
(2022)The paper analyses the peculiar issues relating to the determination of jurisdiction and applicable law in cases related to the private enforcement of the EU State Aid rules. Despite a scarce practice, the work distinguishes ... -
Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Claims Arising out of Smart Contracts under the Brussels I Regulation (recast) and on the Blockchain
(2022)The emergence of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)/blockchain and its application through the so-called smart contracts poses significant challenges from the point of view of classical contract law and private international ... -
Predisposizione ai rapporti di schiavitù e ruolo del diritto internazionale privato al vaglio della giurisprudenza CEDU sulla maternità surrogata
(2022)In the framework of the subsidiary and dialectical relationship between the ECtHR and national courts, the discipline of surrogacy, although initially assimilated to that form of slavery defined as "trafficking in human ... -
La giurisprudenza “concorrenziale” della Corte di giustizia UE e della Corte EDU rispetto alla tutela dei singoli soggetti a sanzioni
(2022)This paper aims to analyse the competing approach of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) regarding the protection of fundamental rights of those individuals and entities ... -
Dialogo tra Corti europee e giudici nazionali in tema di maternità surrogata: verso un bilanciamento tra limite dell’ordine pubblico e superiore interesse del minore
(2022)This article deals with the dialogue between European and national courts on the recognition of the status filii acquired through surrogate motherhood, in order to ascertain its effects on the balance between the public ... -
Judicial Dialogue between National Constitutional Judges and EU Judges in the Context of the Single Supervisory Mechanism: Opportunity for a Reverse Preliminary Ruling?
(2022)The article analyzes the consequences of the recognized exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union in some common procedures carried out within the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the limits ... -
Il mancato rinvio pregiudiziale d’interpretazione nello spazio giudiziario europeo: quale tutela multilivello per i singoli
(2022)In the light of recent European and national case law, the reference for a preliminary ruling on interpretation, while maintaining its main function as a mechanism to ensure a uniform application of Union law, represents ... -
Presunzione di innocenza, informazione giudiziaria e diritti fondamentali
(2022)Recependo la direttiva 2016/343/UE del 09.03.2016 il legislatore italiano ha emanato il D. Lgs. 08.11.2021 n. 188 – entrato in vigore il 14.12.2021 – sul rafforzamento di alcuni aspetti della presunzione di innocenza e ... -
Lo spazio europeo di tutela dei minori di età e il crescente ruolo del principio dei best interests of the child in relazione alla “Direttiva rimpatri” con particolare riferimento alla causa C-112/20
(2022)Il presente contributo prende avvio da una panoramica generale sul più recente acquis giuridico e politico dell’Unione europea in materia di tutela dei minori di età, per poi soffermarsi sull’importanza del principio dei ...