Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies: Recent submissions
Items 181-200 di 225
La ayuda humanitaria en la Unión Europea ante el reto de los flujos migratorios
(2018)Why is the political system of the EU not able to respect, within its borders, the principles and values that are in the spirit of the treaties - the same principles and values that it has so soundly advocated outside them, ... -
(2018) -
Il Global Compact sulla migrazione tra scenari internazionali e realtà europea
(2018)The paper is developed over two main sections. The first one is edited by Cristiana Carletti and is devoted to the protection of human rights of migrants and international protection seekers with the involvement of all ... -
¿Donde están los niños sirios? ¿Y dónde están sus derechos? La Unión Europea no puede olvidar sus principios ni traicionarse a sí misma
(2018)The paper deals with the situation of Syrian children in three different contexts. In Syrian armed conflict, children suffer systematic violations of International Humanitarian Law and International Law of Human Rights. ... -
No room for you in here? The past and the future of the asylum seekers’ reception conditions in Italy
(2018)Italy has been particularly exposed to migration flows for more than thirty years. Nevertheless, the development of an asylum seekers’ reception system in compliance with the standards set forth by the Reception ... -
Nuovo quadro di partenariato dell’Unione europea per la migrazione e profili di responsabilità dell’Italia (e dell’Unione europea) in riferimento al caso libico
(2018)With a view to reviewing the implementation of the objectives set by the European Agenda on Migration three years after its adoption, the essay analyzes the political path that the European Union has developed in the ... -
Operation EUNAVFOR MED Sophia in the Framework of the European Agenda on Migration: Practical Aspects and Questions of International Law
(2018)In June 2015, the EU launched the military naval operation EUNAVFOR MED Sophia under the Common Security and Defence Policy in order to disrupt the business model of human trafficking networks in the Southern Central ... -
Il diritto al gratuito patrocinio nella riforma del Sistema europeo comune di asilo (SECA): un passo avanti e due indietro?
(2018)This article purports to analyse the right to legal aid for applicants of international protection in the prospective reform of the Common European asylum system (CEAS). The overall aim is to point out that, despite ... -
Il diritto penale “contro” lo straniero. Teoria e pratica delle politiche d’integrazione
(2018)The aim of this research is to observe that the discriminations that characterize the modern criminal law system are largely related to the social demands of greater security and protection against the threats, often ... -
L’Agenda europea sulla migrazione dal punto di vista delle migrazioni dei lavoratori qualificati: una valutazione sociologica
(2018)This article aims to detect and analyze the outcomes of the commitments made by the European Agenda on Migration regarding the management of legal migration, with particular reference to its economic dimension. The ... -
Corte di giustizia e Corte Costituzionale alla ricerca di un nuovo, seppur precario, equilibio: i punti (relativamente) fermi, le questioni aperte e un paio di proposte per un ragionevole compromesso
(2018)The study critically focuses on the most recent, divergent developments in the jurisprudence of the Italian Constitutional Court and of the Court of Justice of the EU, highlights the limits and shortcomings of the techniques ... -
L'effetto diretto nelle situazioni triangolari e relativi "limiti" nei rapporti orizzontali
(2018)This article concerns the controversial issue of the limits of the invocability of EU directives in triangular situations. It occurs where an individual invokes against a public authority an obligation imposed on such ... -
I presupposti teorici della cittadinanza europea: originarie contraddizioni e nuovi limiti
(2018)This paper deals with EU citizenship and with some of the persistent ambiguities present in the case law of the Court of Justice. In the first part, it shows that EU citizenship, at the beginning, had a series of contradictions ... -
La recente disciplina europea sulla migrazione qualificata: tra promozione della migrazione circolare e politiche di integrazione
(2018)This article analyses the most recent European legislation on skilled migration - which ensures a more advanced treatment as compared to other categories of third-country nationals - with the aim of assessing whether its ... -
A proposito della Corte di giustizia UE e dei c.d. "controlimiti": i casi Melloni e Taricco a confronto
(2018)The supremacy of European law on the Member States’ law is a basic principle of the European integration process. Nonetheless there are some limits: the so-called “counter-limits”, developed by the constitutional jurisprudence ... -
The balance between the protection of fundamental rights and the EU principle of mutual trust
(2018)In 2013, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) was called to decide the Povse case, where the Bosphorus presumption was confronted with the principle of mutual trust and automatic recognition of judgments. These ... -
Il rispetto del principio di legalità, la Corte di Giustizia e il controllo delle funzioni tecniche della Banca Centrale Europea
(2018)The essay illustrates show the reciprocal attention payed by the Court of Justice and the Bundesverfassungsgericht top their freedom, security and justice’s case law has contributed to better their relations to the ... -
De-politisation of Human Rights: the European Union and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
(2018)The definition of competences between the European Union (EU) and its Member States has always been a topic question. Both the EU and its Member States are Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ...