Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies: Recent submissions
Items 81-100 di 225
L’equilibrio nei rapporti tra Corti europee e Corti nazionali: un’autentica quadratura del cerchio possibile solo in prospettiva de iure condendo
(2021)The paper highlights the inconsistencies in theoretical construction exhibited both by the jurisprudential orientations of the European Courts and by those of the national courts in the field of safeguarding fundamental ... -
Brexit e accordi di riammissione dell’Unione europea
(2021)The effects of Brexit on the application of the EU readmission agreements can be examined first from the point of view of the relationship between the UK and the Member States. With regard to the readmission of citizens ... -
Spazio europeo e clausole di deroga dei trattati internazionali in materia di diritti umani: spunti dalla nuova prassi relativa all’emergenza pandemica
(2021)The paper seeks to analyze the impact of the pandemic on the practice of the States about the proclamation of a state of emergency and their related obligations arising from the main human rights treaties in this regard. ... -
Indipendenza della magistratura e non-regressione nella garanzia dei valori comuni europei. Dal caso Repubblika alla sentenza K 3/21 del Tribunale costituzionale polacco
(2021)The Repubblika judgment, delivered by the Court of Justice on 20 April 2021 in case C-896/19, is not just another piece of a courageous (albeit almost settled) case-law aimed at strengthening the guarantees of judicial ... -
La riforma della disciplina di recepimento del mandato d’arresto europeo: il nuovo assetto dei limiti all’esecuzione della richiesta di consegna
(2021)The recent reform of the Italian law implementing the European Arrest Warrant has overcome previous discrepancies with Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA, thus reshaping the limits to the execution of the EAW in the ... -
La questione dell’adesione dell’Unione europea alla Convenzione di Istanbul alla luce del parere 1/19 della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea
(2021)This paper deals with the issue of the accession of the European Union to the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (so-called Istanbul Convention). The ... -
In search of Ecocide under EU Law. The international context and EU law perspectives
(2021)For some years now, the search for an ecocide has been promoted internationally. The Rome Statute is the formal context where environmental crimes might be inserted, although the Statute itself supports an explicit ICC ... -
Cooperazione internazionale in materia di sequestro e confisca e tutela dei diritti fondamentali: tre modelli nel sistema europeo post Brexit
(2021)This paper deals with the models of international cooperation on seizure and confiscation defined in two Council of Europe Conventions, in Regulation (EU) 2018/1805, and in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement of 24 ... -
Legal persons and cross-border crimes in the EU: current issues and prospects
(2021)In a recent judgment, the Italian Supreme Court has stated that a foreign company can be held liable for crimes committed in the national territory, regardless of the location of its registered offices. This ruling ... -
Il “green pass esteso” nello spazio europeo multilevel di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia. Riflessioni sull’eventuale introduzione dell’obbligatorietà vaccinale
(2021)In the first part, the paper analyzes the EU legislation on the “European green pass” (Regulation no. 953/2021) in a multi-level perspective, comparing it with the national legislation that introduced an “extended green ... -
Pubblicazione e condivisione di foto sui social network: la tutela del minore fra diritto all’immagine e protezione dei dati personali
(2021)While, on the one hand, social networks are a very effective means of personal promotion and, consequently, of defining one’s image and social reputation, on the other, they expose users, and children in particular, to ... -
(2021) -
Il “nuovo” Patto europeo sulla migrazione e l’asilo: recenti sviluppi in materia di solidarietà ed integrazione
(2021)Starting from the evolution of the principles of solidarity and integration, both in the broader EU legal order and specifically in the framework of the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in relation to ... -
La normalizzazione della detenzione amministrativa alle frontiere esterne dell’Unione nel Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo
(2021)This paper analyzes the “New Pact on Migration and Asylum” and the attached legislative proposals with a view to the protection of migrant children. In particular, after briefly reiterating the meaning and scope of the ... -
La trasformazione dell’Ufficio europeo di sostegno per l’asilo in un’Agenzia per l’asilo: una lettura in prospettiva della proposta di riforma nel contesto del Nuovo Patto europeo su migrazione e asilo
(2021)As part of the New European Pact on Migration and Asylum, Agencies clearly feature as the EU operational arms in aspects concerning both the internal dimension and the so-called ‘external dimension’ of the migratory ... -
Il “Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo” e la protezione dei minori migranti
(2021)This paper analyzes the “New Pact on Migration and Asylum” and the attached legislative proposals with a view to the protection of migrant children. In particular, after briefly recalling the meaning and scope of the ... -
Accesso alle procedure di protezione internazionale e tutela delle esigenze umanitarie: la discrezionalità in capo agli Stati membri non viene intaccata dal Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo
(2021)The present paper, also thanks to the reference to the relevant case law of the European supranational Courts, aims to analyse the provisions and instruments of EU law that, on the one hand, could facilitate the access ... -
Environmental migrants: UN recent and “soft” sensitivity v. EU deafening silence in the New European Pact on Migration and Asylum
(2021)Migrations linked to environmental degradation phenomena are increasingly gaining attention within the international community. The following work intends to compare the recent European Pact on Migration and Asylum of ... -
Captured between subsidiarity and solidarity: any European added value for the Pact on Migration and Asylum?
(2021)Solidarity is a core value of European integration which is highly invoked at the political level as the ‘binder’ to fix the several crises the EU has faced. It has been as well put forward as a core pillar of the Pact ...