Sfoglia Testi e linguaggi. Vol.9 (2015) per Data di Pubblicazione
Items 1-16 di 16
Come fare la guerra con le parole: il caso del War Propaganda Bureau
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)At the outbreak of the First World War, Charles Masterman, head of the War Propaganda Bureau, invited a number of leading British writers to support the national cause with their works. The essay analyses some of the ... -
Tecniche performative nella narrativa galloromanza
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)Medieval literature, far more than modern, is characterized by the performative. Thanks to their oral presentation and performances by jongleurs, each one different from the other, literary works tend to change, to renew ... -
La performance retorica: l’Encomio di Elena di Gorgia tra improvvisazione e metalinguaggio
(2015)In recent times performance has received considerable attention also in classical scholarship. In this paper I try to show how the use of the category of performance allows us to understand some of the most significant ... -
Le emozioni nella letteratura Ricerca attuale e radici retoriche – con un’appendice: la gioia di Eichendorff
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)Since the last decades of the Twentieth Century the research on emotions has very much improved, and today (under the name of Emotionsforschung o Affective Sciences) it is progressively engaging the humanities, from ... -
Intrecci ricreativi tra testo e performance
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)Whether ubiquitously invoked as “travelling concepts” in the fluid “post-age” scenario of global and digital interactions or denigrated as inflationary and all-too-fashionable labels, performance and performativity have ... -
Approcci performativi nella didattica della letteratura interculturale di lingua tedesca: leggere, creare e recitare testi letterari sull’esempio del poetry slam
(2015)Literature as an event, as mise-en-scène, results from the encounter of intrinsically performative literary texts with their performance. This can be said not only of films and theatrical transpositions of written texts ... -
Teaching Shakespeare through Performance
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)My personal experience of Teaching English through Shakespeare to students of English at the University of Salerno in the last decade is recorded in the article and related to the critical and theoretical development of ... -
Performatività e poesia Ingeborg Bachmann: Die gestundete Zeit
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)According to Christa Wolf, Ingeborg Bachmann’s whole work can be considered as a “battlefield” of words. Through this metaphor Wolf underlines the extremely dynamic and “pugnacious” character of Bachmann’s literary ... -
Corpo e performance nella mistica femminile medievale e moderna
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)The essay deals with the mystical feminine writing of the xi-xvii centuries. These texts provide a space where gender history intersects with history of religion, social history of writing and history of literature. The ... -
Recensioni e letture
(Roma : Carocci, 2014) -
Schillers Räuber oder das Spiel mit der Performativität
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)The following paper examines Schiller’s play Die Räuber/The Robbers as well as the productions of the play by Nicolas Stemann (2008) and Antú Romero Nunes (2013) with regard to the performative construction of identity ... -
Sulle scene e dalle scene moscovite contemporanee
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)Starting from a wider panorama of the Russian theatrical scene, my study focuses on New Drama, Theater.doc and its recent problems, and the “Ljubimovka” Festival of Young Dramaturgy. In particular I deal with the perfomances ... -
Il senso compiuto delle parole: esempi di grammelot
(2015)Multimodality is the natural condition of human communication, thanks to which the human beings build social meaningful messages. The use of a unique channel and code seems to be an exception rather than the norm in human ... -
Della performatività Come il cognitive turn ha cambiato la prospettiva degli studi letterari
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)The yearning for performance does not lie so much in Austin’s speech acts, but rather in the performative peculiarity of our neurobiological perception. In this scenario, considering the dialogue between cognitive ... -
Goffman e l’antropologia applicata. Riflessioni su un progetto di ricerca-azione in un quartiere della diaspora etiope ed eritrea
(2015)The essay describes a direct experience of research-action in the context of Milano Porta Venezia, a local space of the global Ethiopian and Eritrean diaspora. I propose a reflection on the potentialities and the limits ... -
Il perfomativo: alcune questioni preliminari
(Roma : Carocci, 2015)