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dcterms.contributor.authorIngenito, Michele
dcterms.identifier.citationIngenito, Michele, “La traduzione: principi di leggibilità, comprensibilità, riscrittura. Tra teoria e prassi.” «Testi e linguaggi» 8(2014): 31-43. [Studi monografici. Traduzione per le aziende, il territorio, l’editoria: teoria, prassi, didattica, a cura di Sergio Lubello, Rosario Pellegrino e Valeria Anna Vaccaro]it_IT
dc.description.abstractDifficulties in translating often stem from the conflict involved in the attempt to render appropriately the Author’s words into the target language. There is often a feeling of frustration for the result which frequently appears a manipulated version of the Author’s original text and far from his/her intentions. In the communication required, I propose to discuss both from a theoretical and pragmatic perspective, elements relating to the readability and interpretation of texts, translated according to principles of re-writing as envisaged by modern approaches in Translation Studies.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 31-43it_IT
dcterms.publisher.alternativeRoma : Carocciit_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.titleLa traduzione: principi di leggibilità, comprensibilità, riscrittura. Tra teoria e prassiit_IT
dcterms.typeJournal Articleit_IT
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