Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 1 (Gennaio - Dicembre 2014): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Brevi considerazioni intorno alle nuove frontiere in tema di global commons: sostenibilità dello sviluppo attraverso (meri) atti di soft law?
(2014)This essay explores the existence of an inescapable relationship between sustainable development and soft law, with special regard to Resolution 66/288 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations as outcome of ... -
L’iniziativa legislativa dei cittadini dell’unione europea alla sua prima prova: l’acqua come diritto umano universale, bene comune e di pubblica utilità
Right2Water: “Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commodity!” is the first European citizens’ initiative that has ever been examinated by the European Commission in accordance with ... -
I conflitti di leggi nel diritto commerciale internazionale: una mission multilevel nazionale, europea e internazionale
(2014)This study is dedicated to the topic of the Conflicts of Laws between States in International Commerce. It’s divided in three main parts, each concerns one of the three distinct juridical orders that together form one ... -
La nuova disciplina dei reati contro la pubblica amministrazione
(2014)The essay takes in consideration several aspects of the general problem of the legal persecution regarding crimes against the public administration in the Italian legislation. The most relevant criminal behaviours and ... -
Il gioco d’azzardo in diritto romano
(2014)After a brief survey of the current gambling legislation, the work revisits the history of Roman law which is gambling-related by analyzing the republican laws, the fragments of the jurists and the imperial legislation. -
Riflessioni sullo stato di guerra
(2014)War is traditionally regarded as the ultimate expression of the emergency. Typically, each legal order has constitutional rules dedicated to the warfare. Waging war allows you to disregard some constitutional rules. Nowadays ... -
La ‘capacità’ delle primitive comunità cristiane
(2014)This work would like to demonstrate that, eliminated a dogmatic approach to the question of the subjectivity of the primitive Christian community, until Constantine there was not any official recognition by the state about ... -
De repetundis : il caso di Publio Rutilio Rufo
(2014)After general premises on the genesis and on the peculiarities of the quaestio of repetundis, first permanent Court established in Rome to repress some criminal cases very similar to those provided by art 317 criminal ... -
Un confronto sulla proporzionale: Francesco Ruffini e Gaspare Ambrosini
(2014)The essay provides an overview on the comparison between Francesco Ruffini and Gaspare Ambrosini. The jourists vaunt different opinions on the problem of proportional representation, with particolar reference to the ... -
La disciplina delle restituzioni di somme conseguenti alla dichiarazione di estinzione del processo esecutivo
(2014)The expiry of the execution in some cases leads to refund money acquired. After identifying the cases, the research recreates a complete discipline of the issue: first, the jurisdiction and then the time of the order and ... -
Il contributo di Romualdo Trifone alla sistemazione teorica del ‘diritto forestale’ in Italia
(2014)Multi-dimensional scholar, Romualdo Trifone, as a positive jurist, deals with the problem of collective land structures as living history. His sensitivity of law historian allows him to contemplate the legal dimension ... -
Romualdo Trifone: giurista, storico e legislatore
(2014)The essay traces a profile of Romualdo Trifone, underlining the plan style, the anti-dogmatic approach, the attention to the sources and, in particular, to the custom. It is demonstrated in which way, in Trofone's view, ... -
The Italian Constitution from the origins to the economic crisis
(2014)The lecture focuses some key-concepts of the Italian Constitution such as human dignity, democracy, rights and duties, separation of powers, from the beginning to the financial crisis, in european and comparative perspective. -
Francesco Paolo Casavola, Bioetica. Una rivoluzione postmoderna, Salerno Editrice, Roma 2013, pp. 87
(2014)The book of Prof. F.P. Casavola, President of Italian National Committee for Bioethics, makes very well the point on bioethics today. Generated as a reaction to the dehumanization of medicine, the contemporary bioethics ... -
Aurelio Arnese: 'Usura' e 'modus'. Il problema del sovraindebitamento dal mondo antico all’attualità, Bari, Cacucci Editore, 2013.
(2014)Arnese’s book could be appreciated for its very interesting containts stimulating reader’s reflection. The author investigates the subject of the 'usurae' from a new perspective, considering the many ways trough which, ... -
Claudio Azzara, Teoderico. Storia e mito di un re barbaro, Bologna, il Mulino, 2013, pp. 166
(2014)After the fall of the Roman Empire, Theodoric the Great was the King of the Ostrogoths in Italy reign in verifying new institutional forms and systems of coexistence between barbarians and romans. The text of Claudio Azzara ... -
"English for legal studies" o dell'inglese giuridico nelle facoltà e dipartimenti di giurisprudenza o scienze giuridiche
(2014)This paper discusses the difficulties involved in updating foreign language graduate and postgraduate course syllabuses. There is often a feeling of frustration for the limited results frequently achieved in law faculties ... -
Aspetti internazionali della repressione del crimine
(2014)Franco Roberti, Procuratore Nazionale Anti-Mafia, has exposed, in his lectio magistralis at the University of Salerno, how the problem of repression of organized crime requires reasonings and actions that go far beyond ... -
Verso uno spazio comune europeo di giustizia
(2014)The Conference “Towards a common European area of Justice” has been held on 15th May 2014 at the University of Salerno to analyze the consequences of the relationship between the construction of an Area of Freedom, Security ... -
Romualdo Trifone. Giurista storico e legislatore
(2014)On 16 April 2013, at the University of Salerno, was held the conference “Romualdo Trifone. Jurist historical legislator”. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death, the memory of the jurist from Salerno has ...