Browsing Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 5 (Gennaio - Dicembre 2018) by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 44
Internet, dati personali e diritto all’oblio. «You have zero privacy now. Get over it!»
(2018)The subject of the paper is about not only the right to be forgotten as it is recognized by the famous Google Spain judgment of 2014, a really challenging topic still in the making, but it follows its evolution and ... -
Art. 660 c.p.: la dubbia efficacia della penalizzazione delle microviolazioni. Osservazioni sulla pronuncia n. 35718/2018 della Corte di Cassazione
(2018)Due to the irregularity of the appeal, in identifying guilty profiles, the decision in question, declares the latter to be inadmissible and orders the appellant, to pay not only the relevant legal costs, but also an ... -
Paola Ombretta Cuneo, Sequestro di persona, riduzione in schiavitù e traffico di esseri umani. Studi sul «Crimen plagii» dall'età dioclezianea al V secolo d.C., Edizioni universitarie di lettere economia diritto (Led), Milano 2018
(2018)The way of transformation of a person in a slave and the discipline for the identification and the repression of the crimen plagii in the experience and in the Roman juridical evolution are treated by Paola Ombretta Cuneo ... -
Anna Maria Mandas, Il processo contro Paolo di Tarso. Una lettura giuridica degli Atti degli apostoli (21.27-28.31), Jovene editore, Napoli 2017, pp. 334 – ISBN: 9788824324779
(2018)Anna Maria Mandas examines in a Romanistic way the juridical phase of the Saint Paul’s life that takes place through the process to which he was subjected precisely because of his preaching. The study examines in depth ... -
Leo Peppe, Civis romana. Forme giuridiche e modelli sociali dell’appartenenza e dell’identità femminili in Roma antica, Edizioni Grifo, Lecce 2016, pp. 512 – ISBN 9788869940323
(2018)The work, well developed from the point of view of the setting and adequately supported both documentally and bibliographically, presents itself as a precise investigation of the structure and relations between the terms ... -
Globalizzazione e tutela dei diritti
(2018) -
I Diritti degli animali non umani
(2018) -
Asimmetria ed equilibrio nelle interazioni strategiche. Giochi cooperativi e procedure di mediazione
(2018)The paper deals with the Games Theory in social and juridical fields and mainly in ADR, Alternative Dispute Resolution. The focus is the analysis of cooperative and non cooperative contexts, where the asymmetry of positions ...