Europa Orientalis: Recent submissions
Items 101-120 di 156
“Коль добро и коль красно Христа ради умирати”. дискурс мученичества в украинской гомилетике второй половины XVII века. Патристические образы и источники.
(2017)“Kol’ dobro i kol’ krasno Khrista radi umirati”. The Discourse of Martyrdom in Seventeenth-century Ukraine and its Patristic Sources. This paper investigates the rhetoric of martyrdom that developed in seventeenth-century ... -
I padri della chiesa nelle dispute fra cattolici e ortodossi nelle terre rutene (fine XVI-metà XVII sec.)
(2017)The Church Fathers in the Controversies between Catholics and Orthodox in the Ruthenian Lands (End 16th-Mid-17th Century): An Overview. The article investigates how the Church Fathers were used as a part of the polemistic ... -
Палеографические заметки о древнерусском кодексе слов Григория Назианзина (гим, чуд. 11)
(2017)Palaeographic remarks on the Old Russian codex from the Collection of the Chudov Monastery (GIM, Čud. 11) The paper offers a number of palaeographic remarks on an Old Russian parchment codex from the Collection of the ... -
Поучения святого Кирилла Иерусалимского в одной рукописи XVII века (заметки по списку bn 12228)
(2017)The Catecheses of St. Cyril of Jerusalem in a manuscript of the 17th century preserved in Poland (comments to codex BN 12228) The most famous literary work of St. Cyril of Jerusalem are two cycles of his catechesis ... -
Incunaboli e manoscritti contenenti testi patristici nella Biblioteca del Museo Correr di Venezia
(2017)Incunables and Manuscripts Containing Patristic Texts in the Correr Museum Library in Venice The essay focuses on the presence of the Fathers of the Church in manuscripts and incunabula of the Correr Museum Library in ... -
L’immagine della Polonia in Italia tra il XIV e il XVI secolo
(2017)The image of Poland in Italy between XIV and XVI century. The article analyses the image of Poland conveyed in works – mainly literary and historical – written in Italy, both in Latin and in Italian, over a span of three ... -
Preliminary thoughts about the translation strategies in polish translations of ancient greek tragedies
(2017)Preliminary Thoughts about the Translation Strategies in Polish Translations of Ancient Greek Tragedies The main objective of the article is to outline the (changing) strategies used by Polish translators when rendering ... -
Путешествие в пространстве и во времени. Монархия габсбургов и монархия Карагеоргиевичей глазами Мирослава Крлежи (1925 г.)
(2017)A Journey in the Space and Time. The Habsburg and Karageorgevic Monarchies through the eyes of Miroslav Krleža. The article is devoted to one of the most interesting and complex works of the Croatian writer Miroslav ... -
Medici, “Marleen” e militari. O della “Brava gente” al cinema
(2017)The subject of the article is the film Attack and Retreat, the first Italian-Soviet film in co-production, signed by the director Giuseppe De Santis. In particular, I would like to point out the differences between the ... -
La ricezione della letteratura russa per l’infanzia in Italia (1900-2017)
(2017)The article investigates the history of reception of Russian children’s literature in Italy from 1900 until 2017. It includes a large corpus of volumes that represents a starting point for further research in this field. ... -
К реконструкции и интерпретации некоторых древних антропонимических основ в славянских языках
(2017)On reconstruction and interpretation of some ancient anthroponymical stems in the slavonic languages In the article, the origin of several personal names mentioned in the medieval sources and extracted from different ... -
Antroponimija izvangradskog prostora Rapskog distrikta u drugoj polovici 14. stoljeća
(2017)Anthroponymy in the District of Rab in the Second Half of the XIV Century. The paper provides an overview and an analysis of the anthroponymic structure of the inhabitants of late medieval district of Rab that lived outside ... -
Per Predrag Matvejević
(2017) -
(2017)Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta, vol. IV. – The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches. Decisions and Synodika. Editio critica. IV/1: From Constantinople 861 to Constantinople 1872; IV/2: From Moscow 1551 ... -
La missione di Vjačeslav Ivanov
(2016) -
Oт составителей
(2016) -
“Разнотекущие потоки” в Снe Мелампа Вячеслава Иванова: интертекстуальный анализ
(2016)The article treats the content, sources and contexts of Vyacheslav Ivanov’s poem “The Dream of Melampus” in the part concerning the image of “variously flowing streams”. It is found that the direct literary source of the ...