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dcterms.contributor.authorHendry, Anne
dcterms.contributor.authorVanhecke, Eliane
dcterms.contributor.authorCarriaz, Ana Maria
dcterms.contributor.authorLópez-Samaniego, Luz
dcterms.contributor.authorEspinosa, Juan Manuel
dcterms.contributor.authorSezgin, Duygu
dcterms.contributor.authorO’Donovan, Mark
dcterms.contributor.authorHammar, Teija
dcterms.contributor.authorFerry, Peter
dcterms.contributor.authorVella, Antoine
dcterms.contributor.authorBacaicoa, Olatz Albaina
dcterms.contributor.authorBraga, Mario
dcterms.contributor.authorCiutan, Marius
dcterms.contributor.authorVelivasi, Alexandra
dcterms.contributor.authorLamprini, Koula Maria
dcterms.contributor.authorVan der Heyden, Johan
dcterms.contributor.authorLiew, Aaron
dcterms.contributor.authorO'Caoimh, Rónán
dcterms.identifier.citationHendry A, Vanhecke E, Carriazo AM, López-Samaniego L , Espinosa JM, Sezgin D, O’Donovan M, Hammar T, Ferry P, Vella A, Bacaicoa OA, Braga M, Ciutan M, Velivasi A, Lamprini Koula M, Van der Heyden J , Liew A, O'Caoimh R - on behalf of all Work Package 7 partners of the ADVANTAGE Joint Action. Integrated care models for managing and preventing frailty: A systematic review for the European Joint Action on Frailty Prevention (ADVANTAGE JA). Translational Medicine @ UniSa 2019, 19(2): 5-10.it_IT
dc.description.abstractFrailty requires concerted integrated approaches to prevent functional decline. Although there is evidence that integrating care is effective for older people, there is insufficient data on outcomes from studies implementing integrated care to prevent and manage frailty. We systematically searched PubMed and Cochrane Library database for peerreviewed medical literature on models of care for frailty, published from 2002 to 2017. We considered the effective and transferable components of the models of care and evidence of economic impact, where available. Information on European Unionfunded projects or those registered with the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, and grey literature (including good practices) were also considered. We found 1,065 potential citations and 170 relevant abstracts. After excluding reports on specific diseases, processes or interventions and service models that did not report data, 42 full papers met the inclusion criteria. The evidence showed that few models of integrated care were specifically designed to prevent and tackle frailty in the community and at the interface between primary and secondary (hospital) care. Current evidence supports the case for a more holistic and salutogenic response to frailty, blending a chronic care approach with education, enablement and rehabilitation to optimise function, particularly at times of a sudden deterioration in health, or when transitioning between home, hospital or care home. In all care settings, these approaches should be supported by comprehensive assessment and multidimensional interventions tailored to modifiable physical, psychological, cognitive and social factors.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 5-10it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectModels of careit_IT
dcterms.subjectSystematic reviewit_IT
dcterms.subjectIntegrated careit_IT
dcterms.titleIntegrated care models for managing and preventing frailty: A systematic review for the European Joint Action on Frailty Prevention (ADVANTAGE JA)it_IT
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