Testi e linguaggi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 357
Grazia Basile, La conquista delle parole. Per una storia naturale della denominazione : [recensione]
(Roma : Carocci, 2012) -
Michael Ondaatie, The Cat’s Table : [recensione]
(Roma : Carocci, 2012) -
S. Giannini e S. Scaglione, Lingue e diritti umani : [recensione]
(Roma : Carocci, 2012) -
Transformationen im Zusammenspiel von Bild und Text in Online-Reiseführern: Schlussfolgerungen für die Didaktik
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)This paper intends to investigate the interplay of text and image in contemporary forms of travel literature: modern travelogues and travel guides. Attention will mainly be given to on-line guides as well as websites for ... -
La función argumentativa de la descriptivización en el discurso periodístico
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)From the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis I will consider the reporting on the subject of immigrants in the Spanish press during the last elections. I will analyze how the reification of actions and actors moves ... -
Narrare e argomentare: percorsi della verità nella Grecia antica
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)The aim of this paper is to show the difference between narration and argumentation in ancient Greek culture from the point of view of their respective conception of truth. I make reference to Homeric poems and to Gorgias’ ... -
La capitale spagnola tra narrazione, descrizione e argomentazione in Madrid de corte a checa di Agustín de Foxá
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)Madrid de corte a checa is Agustín de Foxá’s best known novel: one of the most remarkable examples of Spanish fascist literature during the Civil War. Relying on the most valuable theoretical contributions to the field, ... -
La narrazione come testo affine
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)A narrative text (narration) is traditionally explained in two main alternative ways. First explanation: we have a narration when a text is structured in relation to time. The narrative text is a story, the facts are ... -
Quadri, paesaggi, cornici: lo spazio della descrizione nel Maler Nolten di Eduard Mörike
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)In the novel of Eduard Mörike Maler Nolten, published in 1832 on a «threshold era» between the 1800 and 1900 modernity innovations, interesting transforming modalities of narrative techniques develop, creating continuous ... -
Dalla terra desolata al paradiso riconquistato: riflessione e rivelazione in Richard II
(Roma : Carocci, 2012) -
Tragedie et preuve narrative
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)This essay proposes some reflections on “narrative proof”. As largely known, a tale is not told to convey information only; that is: fiction does not transmit information directly. Tales, novels, dramas try to prove some ... -
Descrivere, narrare, argomentare nel manuale d’istruzioni per l’uso
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)Looking at the external and internal structure of the instructional manual we can distinguish blocks and sections, each of them with its particular characteristics, communicative purposes and consequent complexity and ... -
Análisis contrastivo de narraciones de estudiantes italianos e ingleses de ele desde una perspectiva sociolingüística
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)In this pilot study we present the results obtained in the analysis of two microcorpora about oral narrative in Spanish carried out by two cultural and language different populations, the Italian and the English one, ... -
Descriptions and evaluations: The Victorian man of business revisited
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)This paper addresses the twin issues of “description” and “evaluation” with reference to Victorian discussions of the business ideal. The first section offers a brief overview of novelistic portrayals of businessmen, ... -
Diario de 360° de Luis Goytisolo: describir, narrar y argumentara lo largo del tiempo cíclico
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)In his work Diario de 360°, published in 2000, the Spanish writer Luis Goytisolo gives birth to one of the best examples of “high” Literature. As the title indicates, it is written in the form of a diary, or better of a ... -
Filmisch erzählte Achsen der Ungleichheit. Verfremdungseffekt, Heterotopie, Deterritorialisierung, Diaspora
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)This essay analyzes the particular semiotics of film language and proposes a specific approach to film textuality focusing on some films that narrate transnational and transversal stories within the history of German ... -
Narratività e acquisizione delle lingue
(2012)This article focuses on narrativity as an access key to the symbolic-cultural universe in which the human being is immersed. Narrativity has to be intended as a pre-theoretical term, to designate the basic structure of ... -
Eureka di Edgar Allan Poe: letteratura o scienza?
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)This paper aims to analyse Edgar Allan Poe’s last work, Eureka, written and published in 1848 with the subtitle A Prose Poem, but then republished with another subtitle, An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe. The ... -
Iconicity in Rap Music The challenge of an anti-language
(Roma : Carocci, 2012)Starting from the assumption that iconicity, as a means of narration, is prevalent in circumstances in which a new language is invented, the paper investigates the anti-language (Halliday, 1978) of rap music, considered ... -
Multimodalità futura e originaria
(2012)Multimodality is not a property of modern technological media, but a natural feature of human communication. Speech in natural conditions entails audio-visual integration and every verbal text is in fact a multidimensional ...