Testi e linguaggi: Recent submissions
Items 121-140 di 357
Il cinema tedesco della Postmigration in traduzione: Bora Dağtekin, Fack ju Göhte (2013), Fuck you, Prof ! (2015)
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)The paper investigates culture-bound references (Pedersen 2005) in the German Film Fack ju Göhte (2013) and their translation in the Italian dubbed version Fuck you, Prof ! (2015), with a particular focus on humour. The ... -
Scritture da lontano: semicolti campani e sondaggi dal corpus MeTrOpolis
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)This paper deals with a new project called MeTrOpolis (Memorie, tracce, orizzonti), carried out by the Laboratorio LeGIT (Università di Salerno). The project aims to trace the linguistic history of Italian in Campania ... -
Migrazione e teatro in Emine Sevgi Özdamar
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)Emine Sevgi Özdamar, when compared with other Turkish-German authors in the lively Berlin theatre world in the 1970s, has stood out from the beginning thanks to her large-scale activity and her open-mindedness towards ... -
Molteplicità di prospettive: l’attuale “crisi migratoria” nella stampa italiana e tedesca attraverso metafore e frame
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)This paper exposes a corpus-based, qualitative and contrastive analysis of the contribution that frame semantics can make in the analysis of conceptual metaphors within the debate on the current refugee crisis, with ... -
Recensioni e letture
(Roma : Carocci, 2018) -
Qualche riflessione sull’italiano migrante
(Roma : Carocci, 2017) -
L’italiano della musica fuori d’Italia
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)This essay follows the major milestone of the international success of Italian sung, from its early days in the grand opera to the 20th century in the song. This objective is accomplished by focusing not only on the ... -
Petrarca «en amours le vray maistre» e i poeti francesi del Rinascimento
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)The well known strong influence of Petrarch’s lyric on the French Renaissance poetry withness the key role played by the Italian culture at that time. The rediscovery of the Canzoniere, between 1533 and 1550, can be seen ... -
Fortuna e diffusione delle opere di Giovanni Boccaccio nella Francia medievale con particolare attenzione al Decameron e alla novella di Griselda
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)Giovanni Boccaccio’s success in France coincided with the spread of Italian Humanism. His fame was only rivalled by Petrarch’s and it arose and developed in the shadow of the illustrious philosophus moralis, who was his ... -
Boccaccio in Germania tra fine Settecento e inizio Ottocento
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)The article examines the rediscovery of Boccaccio over the decade 1795-1805, which lays the groundwork for modern criticism on the Italian author. Friedrich and August Wilhelm Schlegel, the two most influential Romantic ... -
L’italiano lingua coloniale e veicolare fuori d’Italia. L’italiano a Malta: una lingua non del tutto straniera
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)Italian was the official language in Malta up to 1936, and it therefore can not be defined simply as a foreign language. The Tuscan variety was introduced by the Order of St. John, better known as the Knights of Malta, ... -
La debole «italificazione» delle ex colonie africane: sulla manualistica didattica per la Libia e il Corno d’Africa
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)The essay analyzes some textbooks and grammar books for African natives which were used in the former Italian colonies of Libya and Horn of Africa and focuses on the debate about educational politics that took place in ... -
L’italiano istituzionale per l’Unione Europea
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)The article is a part of a study on the procedures of terminological neology formation of institutional terms in Italian, created (and translated) as equivalent terms in the source language, the “Euro-English”, a linguistic ... -
Migranti, vecchi e nuovi. Reti linguistiche e reti sociali di ricercatori e manager italiani nella Svizzera tedesca e in Francia
(Roma : Caraocci, 2017)Italian history has always been a history of migration. In the 19th and 20th century, millions of Italians left their country, heading for a better future. During former waves of migration within Europe mostly unskilled ... -
Immigrazione italiana nel Regno Unito: le comunità di Bedford e Peterborough tra lingua e identità
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)This paper researches the ethnic language of two Italian communities in the uk, those in Bedford and Peterborough, and focuses on the main flows of Italian migration to the uk. Specifically, the present study questions ... -
L’italiano e l’alfabeto per i nuovi arrivati
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)In recent years, thousands of refugees and asylum seekers have arrived at the port of Palermo, including a large number of teenagers without any adult caregivers. They are called Unaccompanied Minors. A significant part ... -
Parole italiane in viaggio. Italianismi migranti. Interferenze linguistiche e storytelling
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)The aim of this essay is to analyse the presence of Italian words belonging to the special language of gastronomy in the English Language. In recent years an important means in spreading Italianisms is due the Internet ... -
Per un dizionario degli italianismi nel mondo: rilancio di un progetto
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)Ten years have almost passed since the project of a collection of Italianisms edited by Luca Serianni was stopped. Now a new research called oim (Osservatorio degli Italianismi nel Mondo: Observatory of Italianisms in ... -
Americanismi d’Italia, italianismi d’America. Cenni sulle tracce lessicali della Grande Emigrazione
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)The Italian migration to the United States spurred a particularly dynamic and multifarious language contact between Italian varieties and American English. This lasted for more than 400 years and is characterized by wide ... -
Italianismi in polacco nel contesto slavo-occidentale
(Roma : Carocci, 2017)The presence of italianisms in West Slavic languages forms a fairly complex issue. This phenomenon, due to the various historical and sociolinguistic conditions, can be especially observed in Polish language. Close ...