Testi e linguaggi: Recent submissions
Items 21-40 di 357
Étude des désignations de tessiture vocale dans la musique baroque française et italienne: une approche terminographique
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)The term “baroque” had a negative connotation for a long time from the 19th century onwards, leading to baroque music being forgotten and the corresponding terminology being abandoned. This particularly affected the ... -
De Le bleu des abeilles a El azul de las abejas de Laura Alcoba: variación estilística en las (re)escrituras
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)Laura Alcoba, a French-Argentine writer, revised the Spanish translation (2014) of her work Le bleu des abeilles (2013) for the edition of the Trilogía de la casa de los conejos (2021), which brought together La casa de ... -
Grand Tour et escroquerie: réalités et stigmates dans l’écriture de Charles de Brosses
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)Lettres familières écrites d’Italie, published posthumously in 1799, analyse every aspect of the Italian peninsula visited by Charles de Brosses in 1739-40. Art and culture, salons and religion, gambling and antiquities ... -
Fanny Mendelssohn Bartholdy Hensel: Die Italienreise Briefe, Tagebücher und Kompositionen: eine Parallellektüre
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)This article deals with Fanny Hensel’s journey to Italy. The written sources (the diaries, the letters Fanny wrote to her family in the course of this year) are confronted with the musical sources (a selection of compositions ... -
Linguistic borders between French and Arabic in the Family Code in Morocco: loanwords and identity issues
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)Several observations have led us to investigate the loanwords used in the variety of French spoken in Morocco, in relation to an institutional document such as the Family Code i.e., the set of laws concerning the legal ... -
French and English languages in contact: The Chiac case
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)This study concerns the language variation and changes across Borders in a bilingual context: the Acadian French in contact with North American English. In particular, it explores a specific linguistic idiom called Chiac, ... -
Barbadian English idioms: Challenging linguistic norms in a diasporic context
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)As a typical phenomenon affecting virtually all diaspora Englishes, also throughout the Anglophone Caribbean the centripetal forces leading to the recognition of a unified norm cohabit with the outward thrust of linguistic ... -
Refugee linguascapes: The role of English in Australia-run detention contexts
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)Drawing upon the framework of Critical Sociolinguistics, this paper aims at understanding the role of English within the Australian mandatory detention system vis-à-vis the material, communicative and symbolic marginalization ... -
Ogiek and Akie: How many peoples for how many languages? What is their future?
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)Ogiek and Akie are the names of two African endangered languages belonging to the Nilo-Saharan, Kalenjin family, originally spoken by scattered groups of hunters and gatherers in a region stretching from southern Kenya ... -
The spread of participial clauses in Biblical Greek: The importance of being multilingual
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)In this study, a construction marginally found in Ancient Greek is addressed, the participial clause, i.e. a clause whose main verb is a participle. This construction displays a considerable increase in usage frequency in ... -
Multilingualism as linguistic chimerism. Conceptualizing language contact and English as a global contact language in a hybrid-oriented perspective
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)In a globalized world where cultural boundaries have become increasingly blurred, multilingual practices have changed the understanding of language contact and contact-induced influence in global encounters. In the era ... -
The language of belonging and otherness in a Diachronic Corpus of Indian English (DICIE)
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)The study explores how individual and collective identity(ies) can be constructed and conveyed by language in communicative contexts taking place in language contact situations. Crucial to this concept is the notion of ... -
Representing disrupted identities in West-African migrants’ ELF-mediated trauma narratives: An online ethnopoetic approach
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)This paper enquires into West-African migrants’ trauma narratives conveyed through uses of English as a ‘lingua franca’ (elf) and collected in Italy by means of online interviews. A model grounded on theories of ... -
The ELFentextualizated legal discourse and its accessibility to international recipients
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)This paper examines the intralingual and interlingual reformulations of a selected corpus of extracts from the eu Directive on international protection and the Decreto Flussi, defining the number of nonEuropean workers ... -
Language contact, variation and change across the Italian communities of Bedford, Peterborough and Loughborough in the post-Brexit era
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)In the wake of previous research about the Italians in the uk (Balirano & Guzzo, 2011; Guzzo, 2014; Di Salvo, 2012), the present contribution investigates the multi-layered relationship between migration, identity and ... -
The role of translation as an accommodation technique in migration contexts
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)One major source of language variation is contact. Contact linguistics investigates stable contact settings, conversely, sociolinguistic research on variation mostly focuses on monolingual speech communities (Léglise & ... -
Speaking (out) of Silence: The burden of womanhood in Christina Rossetti’s “Monna Innominata” and William Morris’s “The Defence of Guenevere”
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)An era punctuated by contradictions and uncertainty, the Middle Ages represented a powerful looking glass for the flawed and highly duplicitous Victorian society. Deeply unhappy with the cultural and aesthetic chaos ... -
El tiempo como implicatura
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)We need a theoretical model that would allow us to analyze the data offered by the use of language in context. In the case proposed here, the use of the so-called verb tenses. We can create a model or also make use of ... -
Aspetti dell’universo narrativo di Marguerite Yourcenar tra versatilità e fluidità
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)The linguistic specificities of Marguerite Yourcenar’s narrative speech have influenced the translation approach, which is affected not only by the courtly style of Yourcenar’s work but, above all, by the notion of ...