Testi e linguaggi
La rivista "Testi e linguaggi" nasce dall'attività interdisciplinare della sezione di Studi linguistici, Letterari e Filologici del DIPSUM e abbraccia perciò le aree di ricerca e di studio che vi fanno riferimento, avvalendosi anche della collaborazione di studiosi italiani e stranieri che fungono da referees. L'interdisciplinarità vuole esserne il fulcro, nella convinzione che lo sviluppo delle metodologie e l'allargamento delle prospettive in ogni ambito possono costituire motivi d'incontro e di fecondo interscambio. Utilizzando molteplici approcci metodologici, secondo una prospettiva attenta anche al divenire storico e ai nuovi contesti socio-geografici, la rivista intende porre all'attenzione testi e linguaggi nel loro nascere e strutturarsi. Una riflessione, quindi, che nella giustapposizione di molti lavori, diversi tra loro, vuole incrociare i settori disciplinari per articolare un discorso i cui contorni sono aperti, pronti a intrecciare relazioni anche inaspettate. La rivista ha periodicità annuale; prevede, alternativamente, un numero dedicato alle tematiche letterarie e uno dedicato alle tematiche linguistiche. Ogni numero si articola in sezioni tra cui spiccano l'approfondimento tematico, a carattere monografico, la parte riservata alle traduzioni e agli studi sulla traduzione e la rubrica delle recensioni e letture. Accanto alla versione cartacea è prevista la versione online full-text, in tutto identica. Gli articoli vengono pubblicati in italiano, francese, inglese, spagnolo e tedesco e la collaborazione alla rivista è aperta a tutti i ricercatori interessati al suo programma.
- Direttore responsabile: Rosa Maria Grillo
- Segretaria di Redazione: Antonella Russo
- Comitato direttivo: Flora de Giovanni, Claudio Iacobini, Geneviève Henrot Sostero, Luca Lorenzetti, Lucia Perrone Capano, Inmaculada Solís García
- Comitato scientifico: Laurel Brake, Sandro Caruana, Mikaela Cordisco, Rose Corral, Daniele Crivellari, Antonella d’Amelia, Sarah Dessì Schmid, Brigitte Diaz, Benjamin Fagard, Domenica Falardo, Félix Fernández de Castro, Oreste Floquet, Nicoletta Gagliardi, Dieter Heimböckel, Achim Hölter, Javier Huerta Calvo, Norbert Kössinger, Adam Ledgeway, Joaquim Llisterri, Boris Lyon Caen, Sergio Lubello, Florian Mehltretter, Stephan Müller, Stefan Nienhaus, Claudia Öhlschläger, Lucila Pagliai, Marta Palenque, Rosario Pellegrino, Barbara Ronchetti, John Paul Russo, Vincenzo Salerno, Elisabetta Santoro, Verio Santoro, Agnese Silvestri, Michajlovič Solonovič, Enrico Terrinoni, Nigel Vincent, Maria Voghera
Collezioni in questa sotto-comunità
Immissioni Recenti
Variazione intonativa nell’asse diatopico: un tipo prosodico interrogativo in varietà italiane e spagnole
The prosody of interrogative utterances displays high degrees of intra- and interlinguistic variability. Yet there are less investigated interrogative types, verbless questions that work as generic requests and new topic ... -
La variación diamésica como herramienta de análisis metaoperacional: el caso de aún y todavía
According to most grammars and dictionaries of present-day Spanish, the operators aún and todavía are considered synonymous elements of expression of continuity or persistence of a previous element, known – totally or ... -
Traduire la vulgarisation des savoirs scientifiques et techniques dans le polar italien contemporain entre inégalités sociales et appropriation des connaissances
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)The contemporary Italian detective novel is characterised by the presence of numerous technical-scienti- fic knowledge, typical of the literary genre. The terminology that accompanies them pushes the narrator to construct ... -
Vers la triple articulation des langues naturelles: le rôle incontournable de la variation sociolinguistique
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)While linguistic variety, both internal and external, might enhance the language system, this is not the case for French in the Moroccan context. Internal variation does not provide any advantage to the Fren- ch language, ... -
Verbi prefissati in a- del dialetto napoletano. Un confronto con l’italiano contemporaneo
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)The present work concerns the analysis of 244 verbs of the Neapolitan dialect prefixed in a- as such as appreparà (‘to prepare’). The hypothesis underlying the research is that these forms are representative of a more ... -
Le verlan est-il soluble dans l’orthographe française?
(2024)As an oral lexicogenic process, verlan is not intended to be written down, but the question of its spelling may arise for lexicography, literature, intralinguistic subtitling and advertising. Based on a study of the spellings ... -
Quelques phénomènes de variation dans les noëls du volume factice bl 8o 1974 (Le Mans, Médiathèque L. Aragon): entre diatopie, diaphasie et diastratie
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)The volume BL 8o 1974 kept at the Médiathèque Louis-Aragon in Le Mans assembles nine collections of noels that were produced in Maine or in the surrounding regions in Western France and that contain texts composed in the ... -
La variation de la métaphore dans la vulgarisation scientifique. Une étude en diachronie courte en français et italien liée aux trous noirs
In cognitive studies, metaphor is seen as a conceptual interaction between two conceptual domains (Lakoff, Johnson, 1985; Kövecses, 2010). From the idea of the transfer of a concept into a foreign domain, it is possible ... -
Touchez pas au grisbi, «touchez pas à l’argot!»: Simonin dialoguiste de lui-même
In recent years, new fields of inquiry have opened up for argotologues: in fact, films also bear witness to “the evolution of argot”, as theorized by Goudailler (2006). The case of Touchez pas au grisbi (1954) seems very ... -
Pour une parémiodidactique de la variation lexicale: le cas des proverbes créoles antillais et des proverbes français
In this study, we present a didactic unit, concerning the lexical variation which characterizes proverbs in Antilles Creole and their equivalents in French, for Italian-speaking adult learners and in a university context ... -
La francophonie à l’ère du numérique: des cours multimodaux pour un apprentissage interculturel
The article explores the role of francophonie as a methodological axis for pluricentric didactics, empha- sizing the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of language practices and educational cultures historical- ly and ... -
La classe au ciné: aborder la variation du français contemporain en didactique du fle à travers le cinéma “de banlieue”
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)A somewhat neglected theme in the 1980s-1990s, variation is now enjoying renewed interest. The aim of this article is to address variation and plurilingualism in contemporary French, which are more often than not confined ... -
Una proposta di multitraduzione: Cent mille milliards de poèmes di Raymond Queneau
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)The following contribution aims to analyze the consequences of an approach based on the multi-transla- tion of Cent mille milliards de poèmes by Raymond Queneau. Multi-translation simultaneously provides the reader with ... -
Variation en traduction. Analyse de la variation linguistique dans les traductions françaises du Barone rampante
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)This article aims to study how linguistic variation in Italo Calvino’s Il barone rampante is treated in the two French translations (Bertrand, 1960; Rueff, 2018) of the novel. Relying on contrastive linguistics ... -
Étude des désignations de tessiture vocale dans la musique baroque française et italienne: une approche terminographique
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)The term “baroque” had a negative connotation for a long time from the 19th century onwards, leading to baroque music being forgotten and the corresponding terminology being abandoned. This particularly affected the ... -
De Le bleu des abeilles a El azul de las abejas de Laura Alcoba: variación estilística en las (re)escrituras
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)Laura Alcoba, a French-Argentine writer, revised the Spanish translation (2014) of her work Le bleu des abeilles (2013) for the edition of the Trilogía de la casa de los conejos (2021), which brought together La casa de ... -
Grand Tour et escroquerie: réalités et stigmates dans l’écriture de Charles de Brosses
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)Lettres familières écrites d’Italie, published posthumously in 1799, analyse every aspect of the Italian peninsula visited by Charles de Brosses in 1739-40. Art and culture, salons and religion, gambling and antiquities ... -
Fanny Mendelssohn Bartholdy Hensel: Die Italienreise Briefe, Tagebücher und Kompositionen: eine Parallellektüre
(Roma: Carocci, 2024)This article deals with Fanny Hensel’s journey to Italy. The written sources (the diaries, the letters Fanny wrote to her family in the course of this year) are confronted with the musical sources (a selection of compositions ... -
Multilingualism as linguistic chimerism. Conceptualizing language contact and English as a global contact language in a hybrid-oriented perspective
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)In a globalized world where cultural boundaries have become increasingly blurred, multilingual practices have changed the understanding of language contact and contact-induced influence in global encounters. In the era ... -
The language of belonging and otherness in a Diachronic Corpus of Indian English (DICIE)
(Roma: Carocci, 2023)The study explores how individual and collective identity(ies) can be constructed and conveyed by language in communicative contexts taking place in language contact situations. Crucial to this concept is the notion of ...