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dc.contributor.authorGatta, Francesco Luigi
dc.identifier.citationGatta, F.L. "Meccanismi speciali di monitoraggio e tutela dei diritti umani nei settori della migrazione e dell’asilo: gli organismi dell’Unione europea nel contesto del sistema dei rappresentanti speciali delle Organizzazioni internazionali." Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies 3 (2020): 195-232it_IT
dc.description.abstractIn the last few decades, various international organizations have established special mechanisms for human rights monitoring and protection, including special rapporteurs and representatives, acting on the basis of geographical or thematic mandate. This article examines the special mechanisms for human rights monitoring and protection created within the European Union, assessing their features, functioning and activities, also in comparison with the more experienced special mechanisms established within other international organizations such as the UN, the African Union and the Council of Europe. Specifically, the focus will be on migration and asylum, areas in which, recently, all the mentioned organizations have felt the need to put in place ad hoc mechanisms for the protection and monitoring of migrants’ rights.it_IT
dc.format.extentP. 195-232it_IT
dc.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dc.subjectAsylum seekers and migrantsit_IT
dc.subjectSpecial Rapporteurs and Representativesit_IT
dc.subjectEuropean Unionit_IT
dc.subjectCouncil of Europeit_IT
dc.subjectUnited Nationsit_IT
dc.titleMeccanismi speciali di monitoraggio e tutela dei diritti umani nei settori della migrazione e dell’asilo: gli organismi dell’Unione europea nel contesto del sistema dei rappresentanti speciali delle Organizzazioni internazionaliit_IT
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