ELPHi, Electronic Library of Public History: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 1073
Episodio 29. Il quinterno di scritturazione: la formazione permanente
(Il quinterno di scritturazione: la formazione permanente. Ep. 29, «Storia dei Carabinieri» di Fabio Carbone, Podcast, 2021-10)Il quinterno di scritturazione ha rappresentato un elemento di formazione permanente per generazioni di Carabinieri. Si trattava in buona sostanza di far migliorare i Carabinieri, ma anche gli appuntati e i vicebrigadieri, ... -
Episodio 28. Il galateo del Carabinieri di Gian Carlo Grossardi
(Il Galateo del Carabinieri di Gian Carlo Grossardi. Ep. 28, «Storia dei Carabinieri» di Fabio Carbone, Podcast, 2021-10)In questo episodio sono presentati Gian Carlo Grossardi e la sua opera più famosa, il Galateo del Carabiniere. Il volume fu pubblicato nel 1879 dall’editore Candeletti a Torino, allorquando vi svolgeva servizio quale ... -
Episodio 27. I regolamenti degli anni Novanta
(I regolamenti degli anni Novanta. Ep. 27, «Storia dei Carabinieri» di Fabio Carbone, Podcast, 2021-09)Il tema dell’episodio sono i regolamenti degli anni 90 (l'Istruzione per la tenuta degli uffici e del carteggio e il Regolamento d’istruzione e di servizio). l 2022 rappresenta un anno particolare per la storia dei ... -
‘Welcome to the Anthropocene’ Public Environmental History
(A. Brædder, ‘Welcome to the Anthropocene’: Public Environmental History. «Public History Review», 31 (2024), 18–28, 2024)The geological concept ‘the Anthropocene’ circulates widely outside Earth System Science – in museum communities, public culture, social sciences, and amongst social science and humanities scholars, artists, activists and ... -
History on the Game Board: The Use of Board Games in Polish History Education
(J. Mercik, History on the Game Board: The Use of Board Games in Polish History Education. «Public History Review», 31 (2024), 1–17, 2024)This article describes popular game titles used in history education in Poland. In the first part, games designed by the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) are presented, along with examples of their use and feedback ... -
Episodio 40. La Grande Guerra dei Carabinieri. L'arma al Fronte
(La Grande Guerra dei Carabinieri. L'arma al Fronte. Ep. 40, «Storia dei Carabinieri» di Fabio Carbone, Podcast, 2022-04)L'episodio è dedicato al ruolo dell’Arma al Fronte. Con la mobilitazione dell’Esercito combattente, anche l’Arma dei Carabinieri avviò le proprie attività per il richiamo degli uomini, destinando così circa un terzo ... -
The Salvetti Project: A Journey Toward Digital Approaches and Public History
(D. Boerio, A. Mori,The Salvetti Project: A Journey Toward Digital Approaches and Public History, «Magazén», 5, 2024, n. 1, pp. 75-102, 2024)This article offers an in-depth exploration of The Salvetti Project, a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to the digitisation and analysis of handwritten newsletters from the Medici Residents in London between 1640 and ... -
Rimediazione degli archivi di film: Digital Humanities e patrimonio audiovisivo
(R. Catanese, C. Petrucci, Rimediazione degli archivi di film: Digital Humanities e patrimonio audiovisivo, «Magazén», 5, 2024, n. 1, pp. 37-54, 2024)The curatorship of audiovisual archival collections is currently influenced by the challenges of digital technologies. Integrating these technologies can open new horizons in accessing, preserving, and enhancing audiovisual ... -
Public Histories in South Africa: Between Contest and Reconciliation
(H. Hughes, Public Histories in South Africa: Between Contest and Reconciliation, Public History Review, 30 (2023), pp. 31–42, 2023)Public history has long been practiced in South Africa, yet its content and purpose have always been deeply contested. In a deliberate, state-driven process, it has undergone extensive change since 1994, helping to redefine ... -
Prosuming History in China: a Paradigm Shift
(N. Li, Prosuming History in China: A Paradigm Shift, Public History Review, 30 (2023), pp. 43–52., 2023)A diverse and dynamic range of public histories has emerged and rapidly evolved in China during the past two decades. Why do such amateurish, mostly unpaid forms of history possess such a mobilizing effect upon ordinary ... -
The State We are in: UK Public History, since 2011
(A. Atkinson-Phillips, G. Smith, The State We Are In: UK Public History since 2011, «Public History Review», 30, 2023, pp. 22–30, 2023)As public historians living and working in Britain, we live in interesting times. The last twelve years have seen political turbulence in the United Kingdom and its four constituent nations of England, Northern Ireland, ... -
Public History, National Museums and Transnational History
(J. B. Gardner, Public History, National Museums and Transnational History, Public History Review, 30 (2023), pp. 53–60, 2023)The concept of a ‘national museum’ is fundamentally at odds with the theory and practice of public history, with public historians’ understanding that historical experience often does not obey borders, that the nation is ... -
The Archival Book as an Experimental Dialogue in Public History
(I. Chowdhury, The Archival Book as an Experimental Dialogue in Public History, Public History Review, 30 (2023), pp. 61–70, 2023)This article argues for a new genre of book making which I call an archival book that is created to present archival material to the public. The book discussed here was published as a commemorative volume in 2010, soon ... -
Public History in Australia
(T. Evans, Public History in Australia, «Public History Review», 30, 2023, pp. 15-21, 2023)This article charts the peaks and troughs of public history inside and outside academia in Australia and the promise of the establishment of a new network of public historians in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. It ... -
Complicated Pasts, Promising Futures: Public History on the Island of Ireland
(A.-M. Foster, Complicated Pasts, Promising Futures: Public History on the Island of Ireland, «Public History Review», 30, 2023, pp. 6-14, 2023)This overview article explores the nature of public history on the island of Ireland, discussing current trends in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Family history and digital history are highly popular ways ... -
The Age of Public History
(P. Ashton, The Age of Public History, «Public History Review» 30, 2023, pp. 3–5, 2023) -
Introduction: Public History in the Global Context
(N. Li, Introduction: Public History in the Global Context, «Public History Review», 30, 2023, pp. 1-2. https://doi.org/10.5130/phrj.v30i0.8372, 2023) -
Let’s spill the BIMs. Riflessioni sul potenziale delle applicazioni BIM in ambito archeologico
(C. Moscardo, F. Bortolami, E. Delpozzo, Let’s spill the BIMs. Riflessioni sul potenziale delle applicazioni BIM in ambito archeologico, «Magazén», 5, 2024, n. 1, pp. 55-74, 2024)Nowadays, there is a growing interest in applying BIM (Building Information Modeling) technologies to cultural heritage and archaeological sites. These applications are at an early stage for archaeology, but relevant issues ... -
Storia dell’architettura e Digital Humanities per la conoscenza e la conservazione del patrimonio costruito: un'esperienza italiana
(A. Metin-F. Rognoni, Storia dell’architettura e Digital Humanities per la conoscenza e la conservazione del patrimonio costruito: un'esperienza italiana, «Magazén», 5, 2024, n. 1, pp. 9-35, 2024)This essay illustrates the ALOA project promoted by ICCD, whose aim is the reconfiguration of the ministerial records for the architectural heritage of Italy with the help of novel information technologies (ontology ... -
Interpreting History Through Fiction Three Writers Discuss their Methods
(T. Conroy, J. Grochowicz, C. Sanders, Interpreting History Through Fiction: Three Writers Discuss their Methods, Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 195–206, 2022)In ‘Interpreting History Through Fiction: Three Writers Discuss their Methods’, creative historical authors Thom Conroy, Joanna Grochowicz and Cristina Sanders engage in a conversation about the intersection of history and ...