• “Pinguis Bononia”, alle origini di un mito culinario 

      Neri, Francesco (F. Neri, “Pinguis Bononia”, alle origini di un mito culinario, «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2022, n.6, pp. 79-82, 2022)
      A recent book by Massimo Montanari traces the historical development of Bolognese cuisine seen as a result of the commercial and intellectual vitality of the city thanks to the presence of the University. The article ...
    • Placas de la “calle Marielle Franco”. Memorias en disputa en la ciudad y museos de Río de Janeiro 

      Costa, Carina Martins; Silva, Claudia Rose Ribeiro da (C. M. Costa, C. Rose R. da Silva, Placas de la “calle Marielle Franco”. Memorias en disputa en la ciudad y museos de Río de Janeiro, «Passés Futurs», Odonymie et espace public, n.15 (2024), pp. 162-188, 2024)
      Este artículo aborda la disputa por la memoria desencadenada por el asesinato de la concejala de Río de Janeiro (Brasil) Marielle Franco. Los carteles callejeros fueron estrategias construidas tanto por los movimientos ...
    • Playful Curation: A Case Study of Doki-Doki Station Museum’s Role in Preserving Digital Game History in Indonesia 

      Jiwandono, Haryo <Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia>; Purwandi, Edeliya Relanika <Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia> (H.P. Jiwandono, E.R. Purwandi, Playful Curation: A Case Study of Doki-Doki Station Museum’s Role in Preserving Digital Game History in Indonesia, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, pp. 17-23, 2021)
      Digital game preservation is a key element in framing the historical importance of digital game culture. Digital game preservation processes in the global north, particularly in countries such as the United States and the ...
    • Politics and Memory in Canada’s New History Museum 

      Dean, David <Carleton University> (D. Dean, Politics and memory in Canada's new History Museum, «Memoria e Ricerca», 54, 2017, pp. 117-133, 2017)
      This contribution traces the transition of Canada's national history museum from the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC) to the Canadian Museum of History (CMH) due to open on 1 July 2017 in time for national celebrations ...
    • Politics of Memory and Cinematography in Modern Russia: the October Revolution and the Civil War 

      Isaev, Egor M. <National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia> (E.M. Isaev, Politics of Memory and Cinematography in Modern Russia: the October Revolution and the Civil War, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-4, 2018)
      This article discusses the representation of the era of the October Revolution and the Civil War in contemporary Russian popular cinema. It describes the modern tools used by the state to create new images of the past and ...
    • Politiques mémorielles, dé-commémorations et débats publics. Un entretien avec Sarah Gensburger 

      Gensburger, Sarah; Kesteloot, Chantal (S. Gensburger, C. Kesteloot, Politiques mémorielles, dé-commémorations et débats publics. Un entretien avec Sarah Gensburger, «Passés Futurs», n.15 (2024), pp. 190-200, 2024)
      Chantal Kesteloot a rencontré Sarah Gensburger, directrice de recherche au CNRS et spécialiste des questions mémorielles. L’entretien porte à la fois sur les différents acteurs des politiques mémorielles et sur les ...
    • Practical Solutions: Genealogy and the Potential of Public Pedagogy in Poland 

      Jurczyk-Romanowska, Ewa < Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, Poland> (E. Jurczyk-Romanowska, Practical Solutions: Genealogy and the Potential of Public Pedagogy in Poland, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 2, pp. 1-7, 2019)
      The article deals with the development of genealogy in Poland, indicates its interdisciplinary character, as well as the socio-political context of its development. In particular, the possibility of using the genealogical ...
    • Practice vs. Theory and Rüsen’s New Historik 

      Demantowsky, Marko (M. Demantowsky, Practice vs. Theory and Rüsen’s New Historik, «Public history weekly», 1, 2013, n. 14, 2013)
      The article takes Jörn Rüsen’s new book on the theory of history as an opportunity to think more closely about the relationship between theory and practice, especially when it comes to teaching in the field of public ...
    • Premessa. Per una Federazione Internazionale di Public History 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, Premessa. Per una Federazione Internazionale di Public History, «Memoria e Ricerca» , 37, 2011, n. 2, pp. 5-7, (2011)
    • Progettare insieme alle comunità la narrazione del patrimonio colpito dal terremoto: le potenzialità dell’ecosistema Wikimedia nel contesto universitario 

      Feliciati, Pierluigi <Università di Macerata> (P. Feliciati, Progettare insieme alle comunità la narrazione del patrimonio colpito dal terremoto: le potenzialità dell’ecosistema Wikimedia nel contesto universitario, «Il capitale culturale», 2020, n. 22, pp. 35-50, 2020)
      Le responsabilità per la tutela e valorizzazione dell’eredità culturale ricadono su tutti i cittadini, specie se pensiamo alle aree interne e ai contesti di emergenza. Questo approccio apre diversi quesiti etici e operativi ...
    • Public brickstory: laboratori partecipativi e memoria pubblica 

      Bartolini, Stefano; Cappellini, Luca; Cutolo, Francesco (S. Bartolini, L. Cappellini, F. Cutolo, "Public brickstory: laboratori partecipativi e memoria pubblica", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2023, n.7, 2023)
      Sulla scorta della diffusione dei lego a tema storico e del loro uso per la public history, il progetto Italian Brickhistory ha dato vita a un’attività sui social e a laboratori partecipativi per studenti e adulti. ...
    • Public History and Audience Engagement: Urban Space as Community Heritage 

      Guerra, Mariachiara (M. Guerra, Public History e Audience Engagement: lo spazio costruito come patrimonio di comunità, «ArcHistoR EXTRA» n. 7, 2020, pp. 1388-1409, 2020)
      The paper presents the topics of Public History and Audience Engagement, narrowing the focus from the theoretical and methodological issues, to several case-studies, developed within the urban scope of Turin (Italy): ...
    • Public history and contested heritage: memories of the bombing of Italy in the International Bomber Command Centre Digital Archive 

      Fedele, Greta <Lapsus Laboratorio di analisi storica del mondo contemporaneo (Lapsus), Milan>; Gaiaschi, Zeno <Lapsus Laboratorio di analisi storica del mondo contemporaneo (Lapsus), Milan>; Hughes, Heather <IBCC Digital Archive, University of Lincoln>; Pesaro, Alessandro <IBCC Digital Archive, University of Lincoln> (G. Fedele, Z. Gaiaschi, H. Hughes, A. Pesaro, Public History and Contested Heritage: Archival Memories of the Bombing of Italy, «Public History Review», 2020, 27, pp. 1-18., 2020)
      In recent years public historians have made concerted attempts to internationalise their practice.1 The editors of a recent collection note that public history remains rooted in ‘the local’, although it may acquire ...
    • Public history and transmedia storytelling for conflicting narratives 

      Basaraba, Nicole <School of Media and Performing Arts, Coventry University, Coventry, UK>; Cauvin, Thomas <University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg> (N. Basaraba, T. Cauvin, "Public history and transmedia storytelling for conflicting narratives", «Rethinking History», 27, 2023, n. 2, pp. 221-247, 2023)
      Histories of events can be told from multiple perspectives, and there is rarely just one linear narrative or a single interpretation of the past. This paper takes an interdisciplinary approach to explain how the concept ...
    • La Public History dalle origini alla costituzione dell’Associazione Italiana di Public History: movimento o disciplina? 

      Savelli, Aurora <Università di Firenze> (A. Savelli, La Public History dalle origini alla costituzione dell’Associazione Italiana di Public History: movimento o disciplina?, «Sapere pedagogico e Pratiche educative», n. 3, 2019, pp. 9-22, (2019)
      Public history is triggering debate and lively reactions in Italy. What is the reason for its success? In connection with what areas does public history lead historians to think, and to act? This text questions these points, ...
    • Public History e Didattica della storia, un dialogo ancora da costruire 

      Martinelli, Chiara (C. Martinelli, Public History e Didattica della storia, un dialogo ancora da costruire, «Clionet», 2020, n. 4, pp. 216-220, 2020)
    • Public History e diffusione sociale della storia: la fotografia come fonte privilegiata 

      Scanagatta, Manfredi (M. Scanagatta, Public History e diffusione sociale della storia: la fotografia come fonte privilegiata, «Rivista di studi di fotografia», 3, 2017, n. 5, pp. 30-51, (2017)
      Public History seeks to provide a method for researching and disseminating history, while at the same time engaging with different types of public. Public historians study documentary sources and languages in order to ...
    • Public History e fotografia: una sfida complessa 

      Fiorentino, Giovanni <Università degli Studi della Tuscia> (G. Fiorentino, Public History e fotografia: una sfida complessa, «Rivista di studi di fotografia», 3, 2017, n. 5, pp. 64-81, 2017)
      Public History is generated by interactions with the public, while photography implies a relationship with the gaze of the other. This similarity raises important methodological questions for the public historian, ...
    • Public History e istituzioni culturali: mettiamo la storia al lavoro 

      Crasta, Madel (M. Crasta, Public History e istituzioni culturali: mettiamo la storia al lavoro, «Accademie & Biblioteche d'Italia», 13, 2019, n. 1/2, pp. 22-26, 2018)
    • Public History e Patrimoine: due casi di storia applicata 

      Torre, Angelo <Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale> (A. Torre, Public History e Patrimoine: due casi di storia applicata, «Quaderni storici», n. 3, 2015, pp. 629-660, 2015)
      The work seeks to reflect on the alleged crisis of history today by comparing the different ways in which historical disciplines have developed outside the academy during the 1970s and 1980s. For that it tries to reconstruct ...