• The Holocaust Museum Guatemala: History and Contemporaneity 

      Del Valle, José Ángel <Director of the Holocaust Museum, Guatemala, USA> (J. A. del Valle, The Holocaust Museum Guatemala: History and Contemporaneity, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2021, n. 1, pp. 13-18, 2022)
      Of the six Latin American Holocaust Museums, the one in Guatemala deserves special attention. The other five in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Costa Rica also remember the Jewish victims of WWII, but in Guatemala ...
    • The House of European History, Food for Thought and Reflection 

      Kesteloot, Chantal (C. Kesteloot, The House of European History, Food for Thought and Reflection, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 1, https://doi.org/10.1515/iph-2020-2003, 2020)
      In May 2017, the House of European History opened its doors in Brussels. Long awaited, this new museum represents a small revolution in the museum landscape. It stands out both because of the scale of the project - the ...
    • The International Council of Museums and the Controversy about a New Museum Definition. A Conversation with Lauran Bonilla-Merchav, Bruno Brulon Soares, Lonnie G. Bunch III, Bernice Murphy, and Michèle Rivet, 

      Etges, Andreas <IPH editors, Munich, Germany>; Dean, David <IPH editors, Ottawa, Canada> (A. Etges, D. Dean, The International Council of Museums and the Controversy about a New Museum Definition – A Conversation with Lauran Bonilla-Merchav, Bruno Brulon Soares, Lonnie G. Bunch III, Bernice Murphy, and Michèle Rivet, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2021, n. 1, pp. 19-27, 2022)
      In 2019, an Extraordinary General Assembly International Council of Museums (ICOM) met in Kyoto, Japan to vote on a new museum definition. Among other things, the controversial proposal described museums as “democratising, ...
    • The Lehrplan 21 – Politics and History 

      Amsler, Christian (C. Amsler, The Lehrplan 21 – Politics and History, «Public history weekly», 1, 2013, n. 9, 2013)
      It is causing a stir among the wider public up and down the country. Currently subject to consultation, the much-debated and much-anticipated new curriculum (“Lehrplan 21”) serves to implement the mandate of the Swiss ...
    • The Limits of Iconoclasm: Soviet War Memorials since the End of Socialism 

      Gabowitsch, Mischa (M. Gabowitsch, The Limits of Iconoclasm: Soviet War Memorials since the End of Socialism, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-6, 2018)
      There is a widespread perception that the countries of the former Soviet bloc removed all or most communist-era public monuments soon after the end of socialism. Based on a number of heavily publicized instances of iconoclasm, ...
    • The Origins of "The Public Historian" and the National Council on Public History 

      Johnson, George Wesley (G. Wesley Johnson, The Origins of "The Public Historian" and the National Council on Public History, «The Public Historian», 1999, 21, 3, pp.167-179., 1999)
      I HAVE BEEN ASKED to provide a brief history of the founding of this journal, The Public Historian, and of its sponsor, the National Council on Public History. The journal celebrated its twentieth anniversary last year, ...
    • The rise of Public History: an international perspective 

      Cauvin, Thomas <Colorado State University, United States> (T. Cauvin, The Rise of Public History: an international perspective, «Historia Crítica» n. 68, 2018, pp. 3-26, (2018)
      This article explores the birth and development of public history and presents the different criteria of its internationalization from the 1970s to the more recent creation of the International Federation of Public History. ...
    • The Roles of Authenticity and Immediacy in Engaging Family Historians in Online Learning Designed to Advance Academic Skills 

      Harman, Kristyn <History & Classics, School of Humanities, University of Tasmania, Australia> (K. Harman, The Roles of Authenticity and Immediacy in Engaging Family Historians in Online Learning Designed to Advance Academic Skills, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 2, pp. 1-6, 2019)
      A rapid increase in the availability of digitized archival resources of relevance to family historians together with increasing individual fascination with genealogical research led to the University of Tasmania introducing ...
    • The science of history turns – even in school? 

      Sauer, Michael (M. Sauer, The science of history turns – even in school?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 38, 2014)
      In the historical sciences, one turn follows another: from the rather old linguistic turn to the postcolonial or global turn, the visual or iconic turn to the spatial, acoustic, and material turn. But how does history ...
    • The Use of Serious Games as an Educational and Dissemination Tool for Archaeological Heritage Potential and Challenges for the Future 

      Mariotti, Samanta <Università di Siena> (S. Mariotti, The Use of Serious Games as an Educational and Dissemination Tool for Archaeological Heritage Potential and Challenges for the Future, «Magazén», 2, 2021, n. 1, pp. 119-13, 2021)
      In the last decades, digital technologies have pervaded every aspect of the production of archaeological knowledge and they have been massively used to communicate the past. This contribution analyses the potential and ...
    • Thinking about Competency-oriented Learning. New Realism or ‘Old’ Pragmatics? 

      Hellmuth, Thomas (T. Hellmuth, Thinking about Competency-oriented Learning. New Realism or ‘Old’ Pragmatics?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 30, 2014)
      Over the last few years, different competency models have prevailed and are now competing against each other. However, competency orientation is not fundamentally questioned, even though it tends – provocatively worded – ...
    • Thorsten Logge, Eva Schöck-Quinteros, and Nils Steffen: Review of Geschichte im Rampenlicht: Inszenierungen historischer Quellen im Theater 

      Esleben, Joerg <University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada> (J. Esleben, recensione a, Thorsten Logge, Eva Schöck-Quinteros, and Nils Steffen: Review of Geschichte im Rampenlicht: Inszenierungen historischer Quellen im Theater, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp.157-158, 2022)
      J. Esleben, recensione a, Thorsten Logge, Eva Schöck-Quinteros, and Nils Steffen: Review of Geschichte im Rampenlicht: Inszenierungen historischer Quellen im Theater, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp.157-158
    • Le tortuose strade del cinema italiano negli anni del boom. La commedia all’italiana: autobiografia di una nazione 

      Muroni, Giuseppe (G. Muroni, Le tortuose strade del cinema italiano negli anni del boom. La commedia all’italiana: autobiografia di una nazione, «Clionet», 2020, n. 4, pp. 68-73, 2020)
    • Toward a Foucauldian Genealogy of Video Game (Pre)history 

      Trépanier-Jobin, Gabrielle <Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada> (G. Trépanier-Jobin, Toward a Foucauldian Genealogy of Video Game (Pre)history, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, pp. 25-34, 2021)
      This paper highlights the distortive nature of narrative models that are often employed in video game historiographies to produce captivating tales. More precisely, it argues against: the search for video games’ origin(s); ...
    • Tra Sagres e Lisbona: progetti museali e identità nazionale nell’Estado Novo portoghese 

      Gori, Annarita (A. Gori, Tra Sagres e Lisbona: progetti museali e identità nazionale nell’Estado Novo portoghese, «Memoria e Ricerca», 54, 2017, pp. 61-79, 2017)
      The Portuguese national identity is closely linked to the deeds of the Age of Discovery. During the long period of the Estado Novo (1933-1974) the regime extensively resorted to the myth of descobridores to legitimize ...
    • Trabajar con el pasado en internet: la historia pública digital y las narraciones de las redes sociales 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, Trabajar con el pasado en internet: la historia pública digital y las narraciones de las redes sociales, «Ayer», 2018, 110, n. 2, pp. 111-140, (2018)
      El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cómo la historia pública digital y el contenido generado por los usuarios están estableciendo nuevas formas de actividad profesional en las redes sociales. Definiremos qué son las ...
    • Trachten heute – mehr als ein modischer Spleen? 

      Hellmuth, Thomas (T. Hellmuth, Trachten heute – mehr als ein modischer Spleen?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 2, 2014)
      Zunehmend bin ich verwirrt. Das hängt vielleicht mit meinem Alter zusammen, in erster Linie aber mit Erscheinungen, die mir manchmal geradezu die Orientierung nehmen: junge Menschen in Lederhosen und Dirndlkleidern, Burschen ...
    • Training Public Historians: Academy and Reality 

      Filene, Benjamin P. <The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG)> (B. Filene, Training Public Historians: Academy and Reality. “History News”, 2006, 61, pp. 13-15. [art. preprint], 2006)
      Professionalization builds structure that solidifies a discipline; professionalization erects walls that bar outsiders. Professionalization elevates understanding to a higher plane; professionalization draws practitioners ...
    • Troubling Pasts: Teaching Public History in Northern Ireland 

      Purdue, Olwen <Queen’s University, Belfast, UK> (O. Purdue, Troubling Pasts: Teaching Public History in Northern Ireland, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, pp. 67-75, 2021)
      This article explores the challenges and opportunities presented for the teaching and practice of public history in a post-conflict society that remains deeply divided over its past. It examines some of the negative ways ...
    • Twitter – Medium der Geschichtskultur, z.B. @9Nov38 (Akteursperspektive) 

      Hoffmann, Moritz; Jahnz, Charlotte; Schmalenstroer, Michael (M. Hoffmann, C. Jahnz, M. Schmalenstroer, Twitter – Medium der Geschichtskultur, zum Beispiel @9Nov38 (Akteursperspektive), «Public history weekly», 1, 2013, n. 13, 2013)
      Geplant für ein paar hundert Twitter-Follower, wurde „Heute vor 75 Jahren – @9Nov38“ zu einem Massenereignis mit über 11.000 Abonnenten und 36.000 Homepageabrufen. Die vielfach geschilderte Wirkung erhielt es aus zwei für ...