• Do curricula inspire historical thinking? 

      Thünemann, Holger (H. Thünemann, Do curricula inspire historical thinking?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 40, 2014)
      In recent years, German-speaking history didactics has once again focused on curricula and syllabuses (after a lengthy lull in the 1990s). The Swiss “Lehrplan 21” project has demonstrated how controversial curricular issues ...
    • Farewell to Historical Consciousness? 

      Thünemann, Holger (H. Thünemann, Farewell to Historical Consciousness?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 5, 2014)
      Apparently, there is a renewed interested in theoretical matters among history education researchers in Germany. This is not only indicated by the foundation of a new research group within the Konferenz für Geschichtsdidaktik, ...
    • Historical Thinking. Diagnose Learning Processes Instead of Assessing Performance 

      Thünemann, Holger (H. Thünemann, Historical Thinking. Diagnose Learning Processes Instead of Assessing Performance, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 19, 2014)
      “If you wish to improve teaching and learning, you have to attend to teaching and learning.” With this statement, Bruce A. VanSledright suggests to leave the current fixation on large-scale assessment of historical thinking ...
    • Mehr Denkmäler – weniger Gedenken? 

      Thünemann, Holger (H. Thünemann, Mehr Denkmäler – weniger Gedenken? «Public history weekly», 1, 2013, n. 8, 2013)
      Vor 25 Jahren entstand die Idee, in Berlin ein Holocaust-Denkmal zu errichten. Weil dieses Denkmal ausschließlich den ermordeten Juden gewidmet wurde, erlebt die deutsche hauptstädtische Geschichtskultur seit einiger Zeit ...