Now showing items 5-24 of 524

    • A ascensão da História Pública: uma perspectiva internacional 

      Cauvin, Thomas <Colorado State University, United States> (T. Cauvin, A ascensão da História Pública: uma perspectiva internacional, «Revista NUPEM», 11, 2019, n. 23, pp. 8-28, 2019)
      Este artigo explora o nascimento e o desenvolvimento da História Pública e apresenta os diferentes critérios que levaram à sua internacionalização dos anos 70 à recente criação da Federação Internacional de História Pública. ...
    • A Brief Editorial Note on Relations and Megadungeons in the Digital and Public Humanities 

      Fischer, Franz <Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia>; Mantoan, Diego <Università degli Studi di Palermo>; Tramelli, Barbara <Libera Università di Bolzano> (F. Fischer, D. Mantoan, B. Tramelli, A Brief Editorial Note on Relations and Megadungeons in the Digital and Public Humanities, «Magazén», 4, 2023, n. 2, pp. 181-182, 2023)
      After four years of deep methodological reflections on our scholarly field, we are pleased to announce the publication of the first guest-edited issue of magazén, thus hopefully kickstarting a new trend in our Journal’s ...
    • A Bright Future for International Public History 

      Cauvin, Thomas <Colorado State University, United States> (T. Cauvin, A Bright Future for International Public History, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 1, 2018)
      "As the President of the International Federation for Public History, it is my great pleasure to celebrate the first issue of International Public History. Even though the International Federation for Public History now ...
    • A duty, an opportunity and a pleasure”: connecting archives and public history 

      Haunton, Melinda <Archive Sector Development, The National Archives, London> (M Haunton, G. Salzedo, A duty, an opportunity and a pleasure: connecting archives and public history, «Archives and Records», 42, n. 1, 2021, pp. 40-57, 2021)
      This article explores the intersection of public history and archives, with particular reference to the practice of promoting broad participation in interpreting the historical past. Key concepts in public history such as ...
    • “A Fool’s errand”: Lonnie Bunch and the Creation of the National Museum of African American History and Culture 

      Etges, Andreas <University of Munich (LMU), Germany>; Dean, David <Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada> (A. Etges, D. Dean, “A Fool’s errand”: Lonnie Bunch and the Creation of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 2, pp. 1-10, 2019)
    • A la vista del pueblo y de labio en labio. Buenos Aires y la toponimia de una capital (1822-1919) 

      Valaco, Pablo <Universidad Nacional de Luján> (P. Valaco, A la vista del pueblo y de labio en labio. Buenos Aires y la toponimia de una capital (1822-1919), «Passés Futurs», n.15 (2024), pp. 58-87, 2024)
      El nomenclador urbano moderno de Buenos Aires tuvo, desde sus orígenes, a sujetos y sucesos como bloques temáticos prevalecientes, consolidándose definitivamente durante el periodo 1880-1916. Su utilización sistemática ...
    • A Matter of History' Or What to do With an Empty Plinth 

      Sentance, Nathan (N. Sentance, ‘A MATTER OF HISTORY’: Or What to do With an Empty Plinth, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 147-151, 2021)
      Can we engage in the discussion around colonial monuments if we not are prepared to engage in potentially uncomfortable conversations about our shared history? This commentary asks this and questions why we velementally ...
    • A New Chapter in a Journal’s Life and the Broadening Field of Digital and Public Humanities 

      Fischer, Franz <Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia>; Mantoan, Diego <Università degli Studi di Palermo>; Tramelli, Barbara <Libera Università di Bolzano> (F. Fischer, D. Mantoan, B. Tramelli, A New Chapter in a Journal’s Life and the Broadening Field of Digital and Public Humanities, «Magazén», 5, 2024, n. 1, pp. 5- 7, 2024)
    • A New Venture and a Commitment to Disciplinary Fusion in the Domain of Digital and Public Humanities 

      Fischer, Franz <Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia>; Mantoan, Diego <Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia>; Tramelli, Barbara <Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia> (F. Fischer, D. Mantoan, B. Tramelli, A New Venture and a Commitment to Disciplinary Fusion in the Domain of Digital and Public Humanities, «Magazén», 1, 2020, n. 1, pp. 7-16, 2020)
      On 5 June 2019, Ca’ Foscari University launched the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH) in order to take a proactive role in the digital transformation of society and of the academic landscape. With the ...
    • A New Zeal for History: Public History in New Zealand 

      Trapeznik, Alex <University of Otago> (A. Trapeznik, A New Zeal for History: Public History in New Zealand, «Public History Review», 30 (2023), pp. 79–88, 2023)
      Public history is still a relatively unknown term in New Zealand, an island nation in the southwest pacific with a population of around 4.6 million people. Until the late 1980s it was rare for professional historians to ...
    • A Preliminary Geography of the (Mega)Dungeon 

      Roast, Asa, <University of Leeds> (A. Roast- A Preliminary Geography of the (Mega)Dungeon- «Magazén», 4, 2023, n. 2, pp. 191-217, 2023)
      The dungeon and megadungeon are imagined spaces of a complex and interconnected network that emerged in fantasy tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) from the 1970s. As a space distinctive to early TTRPGs it is characterised ...
    • A proposito di Public History internazionale e dell’uso-abuso della storia nei musei 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, A proposito di Public History internazionale e dell’uso-abuso della storia nei musei, «Memoria e ricerca», 2017, n. 2, pp. 3-20, (2017)
      This essay serves as an introduction to the «Memoria e Ricerca» 2017 issue on History Museums and Public History. The papers we present were selected from panel presentations delivered during the International Federation ...
    • A Public History of monuments 

      Cauvin, Thomas <Université du Luxembourg> (2022)
      Recent controversies over monuments question not only who should be represented and commemorated in the public space but also who can decide whether to remove or not the monuments. In doing so, those controversies relate ...
    • A Queer Search for Ancestral Legitimacy. English-Language Gay Lists as Historical Memory Before 1969 

      Collay, Jay (J. Collay, A Queer Search for Ancestral Legitimacy: English-Language Gay Lists as Historical Memory Before 1969. Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 20–30, 2022)
      The practice among queer people of compiling lists of famous historical figures that modern eyes may comfortably identify as queer and/or trans* persists, and has persisted, as a form of communal transmission of memory for ...
    • Agricolture, ambiente, salute: che fare? 

      Lambertini, Luca (L. Lambertini, "Agricolture, ambiente, salute: che fare?", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2023, n.7, 2023)
      La cooperativa Arvaia è una innovativa sperimentazione che si ispira ai principi della Community Supported Agricolture (CSA): dal 2013 un vasto gruppo di persone nella periferia di Bologna porta avanti un progetto di ...
    • Ako. Learning From History? 

      McKergow, Fiona; Littlewood, David <Massey University Te Kunenga Ki Pūrehuroa>; Watson, Geoff <Massey University Te Kunenga Ki Pūrehuroa>; Neill, Carol <Auckland University of Technology> (F. McKergow, G. Watson, D. Littlewood, C. Neill, Ako: Learning from History? Public History Review, 29 (2022), 38–43, 2022)
      This special issue of Public History Review has been edited by Fiona McKergow, Geoff Watson, David Littlewood and Carol Neill and serves as a sampler of recent work in the field of public history from Aotearoa New Zealand. ...
    • Alix R. Green: History, Policy and Public Purpose: Historians and Historical Thinking in Government : [book review] 

      Morin, Jean-Pierre <Departmental Historian and Senior Policy Advisor, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada> (J.P. Morin, review to, Alix R. Green: History, Policy and Public Purpose: Historians and Historical Thinking in Government, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-2, 2019)
    • Alle origini della public history italiana: historikerstreit e revisionismo storiografico 

      Cenni, Angelo (A. Cenni, Alle origini della public history italiana: historikerstreit e revisionismo storiografico, «Giano PH», A. III, 2021, n. 9, pp. 6-12, 2021)
      L’historikerstreit avvenuta 35 anni fa in Germania e le sue ricadute in Italia (in particolare nella congiuntura del 1992, con il collasso dei partiti tradizionali) è un passaggio obbligato – a causa del passato fascista ...
    • An Overview of Public History in Italy: No Longer A Field Without a Name 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, An Overview of Public History in Italy: No Longer A Field Without a Name, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, 5 pp., (2019)
      This article traces the origins and development of public history in Italy, a field not anymore without this name today. Public history in Italy has its roots in historical institutions born in the nineteenth century and ...
    • “And what Do You Do, Exactly?” Comparing Contemporary Definitions and Practices of Applied History 

      De Ridder, Bram <KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium> (B. De Ridder, “And what Do You Do, Exactly?” Comparing Contemporary Definitions and Practices of Applied History, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2021, n. 1, pp. 29-41, 2022)
      In the last few years, the notion of applied history has seen a notable rise in interest among historians. Arising out of questions related to contemporary concerns, such as political extremism and Covid-19, several projects ...