Browsing Contributi in rivista / Contributions in journals and magazines by Title
Now showing items 137-156 of 523
Faire de l'histoire publique du Fascisme là où Mussolini est né et enterré?
(S. Noiret, Faire de l'histoire publique du Fascisme là où Mussolini est né et enterré?, «Public history weekly», 4, 2016, n. 32, (2016)L’historiographie sur le fascisme a parfois suscité des discussions animées dans la communauté italienne, souvent somnolente, des historiens universitaires. Cependant, raconter l’histoire du fascisme en dehors des livres ... -
Fallen Monuments: An Introduction
This essay introduces the special section on Fallen Monuments. It explores the importance of monuments as one of the ways in which publics engage with the past and explains why they often become sites of debate and ... -
Fallen Monuments: An Introduction
(D. Dean, Fallen Monuments: An Introduction «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-6, 2018)This essay introduces the special section on Fallen Monuments. It explores the importance of monuments as one of the ways in which publics engage with the past and explains why they often become sites of debate and ... -
Family History and the Global Politics of DNA
(S. Abel, K.S. Tsosie, Family History and the Global Politics of DNA, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 2, pp. 1-3, 2019)The global DNA ancestry industry appeals to various “markets”: diasporic groups seeking to reconstruct lost kinship links; adoptees looking for biological relatives; genealogists tracing their family trees; and those ... -
Family History Collaborators in Conversation
(A. Barnwell, L. King, Family History Collaborators in Conversation, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 2, pp. 1-3, 2019)Ashley Barnwell and Laura King converse about their collaborations with family historians in Australia and England. They reveal the potential uses of collaboration when challenging understandings of ‘the family’, decolonizing ... -
Fare Storia tra nuove connessioni: a proposito di Public History
(S. Mantini, Fare Storia tra nuove connessioni: a proposito di Public History, «L’identità di Clio» [posted on] 21 giugno 2018, 2018) -
Fare storia, divulgare storia: l’esperienza del Portale Storia di Firenze
(A. Savelli, M. Morandi, Fare storia, divulgare storia. L’esperienza del portale “Storia di Firenze”, «Ricerche storiche», 39, 2009, n. 2-3, pp. 351-361, 2009)Il Portale Storia di Firenze ( svolge una funzione di servizio per chi studia professionalmente la storia fiorentina e per il più ampio pubblico dei cultori della storia di Firenze. Il presente ... -
Fare vinili: l’esperienza di Vinilificio nella parabola storica dei dischi
(C. Adamo, "Fare vinili: l’esperienza di Vinilificio nella parabola storica dei dischi", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2023, n.7, 2023)Nel 2005 fu decretata la morte del disco in vinile. In questo breve scritto si tenta di ripercorrere la storia di questo iconico supporto con uno sguardo al complesso rapporto tra musica, cultura di massa, tecnologia e ... -
Farewell to Historical Consciousness?
(H. Thünemann, Farewell to Historical Consciousness?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 5, 2014)Apparently, there is a renewed interested in theoretical matters among history education researchers in Germany. This is not only indicated by the foundation of a new research group within the Konferenz für Geschichtsdidaktik, ... -
Fastnacht der Hölle – Inklusion als Herausforderung im Museum
(B. Alavi, Fastnacht der Hölle – Inklusion als Herausforderung im Museum, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 21, 2014)Die Unterzeichnung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention zeigt auch Wirkungen auf die museumspädagogische Arbeit. Derzeit wird am Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württembergs in Stuttgart in Zusammenarbeit mit der Pädagogischen ... -
Female Counter-Curation: A Case Study of Polish Napoleonic War Reenactment
(J. Tomann, Female Counter-Curation: A Case Study of Polish Napoleonic War Reenactment, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 81-92, 2022)Historical reenactment has developed from a niche phenomenon to a global one over the past couple of decades. As a popular pastime it sparks enthusiasm and curiosity for past lifeworlds among the reenactors themselves as ... -
La “Festa della Storia”: un progetto di public history
(B. Borghi, La “Festa della Storia”: un progetto di public history, «Heritage & Museography», n. 14, 2014, pp. 21-28, (2014)The article contains some considerations on the concept of “public history”, the idea developed in the early Seventies of the last Century in the United States, in Canada and in the Anglo-Saxon world, that is the history ... -
Fide, sed cui, vide. Wie “wahr” kann Geschichte sein?
(M. Barricelli, Fide, sed cui, vide. Wie “wahr” kann Geschichte sein?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 8, 2014)Glaubwürdigkeit ist ein neues boomendes Forschungsfeld der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Auch beim historischen Lernen, sei es in Schule, Akademie oder vor dem Monitor, geht am Ende immer nur darum, auf gute Argumente ... -
‘Fluid’ Identity in Text-Building: A Study of the Revitalization of Origin Tales in West Hunan, China
(L. Peng, ‘Fluid’ Identity in Text-Building: A Study of the Revitalization of Origin Tales in West Hunan, China, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 115-126, 2022)My research looks into the revitalization of Miao origin myths in the West Hunan minority ethnic autonomous prefecture in China. Based on two years of fieldwork and archival studies, I propose that West Hunan people’s ... -
Flying Below the Radar. Civil Aviation Heritage in Australia's Northern Territory
(F. Shanahan, Flying Below the Radar: Civil Aviation Heritage in Australia’s Northern Territory,«Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1–13, 2021)Australian government administrators and private enterprise took full advantage of the opportunities made possible by civil aviation in Australia’s Northern Territory. Yet, there is a common perception among Territorians ... -
For a New International Public History
(T. Cauvin, For a New International Public History, «Public History Review», 30 (2023), pp. 71-78, 2023)Proposed in the United States of America in the 1970s, the term “public history” is now used in various parts of the world. The internationalization of the field of public history raises various questions about its definition, ... -
For what it is ‘worth’? Neoliberalism and Public History
(J. De Goot, For what it is ‘worth’? Neoliberalism and Public History, «Public history weekly», 6, 2018, n. 12, 2018)This work arose from considerations of the relationship between Public History and the newly marketized UK University sector, mainly through focussing on the skills and impact agenda. Does Public History offer a resistance ... -
Formazione professionale e traiettorie femminili: l’uso delle fonti orali
(S. Bartolini, Formazione professionale e traiettorie femminili: l’uso delle fonti orali, «Clionet», 2021, n. 5, pp. 83-89, 2021) -
Fra il bandito e il campione. Storia di Attilio Carrega
(F. Paolella, "Fra il bandito e il campione. Storia di Attilio Carrega", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2023, n.7, 2023)L’articolo ricostruisce la storia di Attilio Carrega che, coinvolto nelle vicende criminose del famoso bandito Sante Pollastro, fu condannato a 30 anni di prigione per omicidio e rapina. Carrega fu ricoverato nell’Ospedale ... -
From Anniversary to Anniversaryitis
(M. Demantowsky, From Anniversary to Anniversaryitis, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 11, 2014)Jubilees, anniversaries, commemoration days, public holidays, etc. Anniversaryitis. The coincidences of the calendar and the astronomical constellations that determine it are increasingly and, today, almost exclusively, ...