Browsing Contributi in rivista / Contributions in journals and magazines by Title
Now showing items 269-288 of 524
Na Li: Public History: A Critical Introduction
(B. Yuanhui and Y. Yufang, recensione di, Na Li: Public History: A Critical Introduction, «Lifelong, Lifewide Learning», vol. 5, 2021, n. 1, 2022, pp. 59-61, 2022) -
Narratives of Memory and Myth in the House of European History
(I. Zündorf, K. Bojarska, J. A. Casper, F. Edemen, C. Gundermann, J. Hooks, G. Lochekhina, N. Merk, F. Metzger, M. Monteiro, A. Owzar and A. Schattschneider, Narratives of Memory and Myth in the House of European History, «International Public History», 3, 2020, n. 1,, 2020)This article, co-authored by an international group of MA students, originates from a workshop which was part of the international blended learning seminar “Europe: Practices, Narratives, Spaces of Memory.” The seminar was ... -
La narrazione museale della civiltà contadina in un territorio di confine
(A. Agosti, "La narrazione museale della civiltà contadina in un territorio di confine", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2023, n.7, 2023)Dagli anni Sessanta e Settanta le istituzioni e i musei dedicati alla civiltà contadina si sono diffusi in Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, seguendo una tendenza nazionale; ciononostante, manca ancora oggi un’analisi ... -
La narrazione storica come strumento scientifico e creativo della Public History
(C. Moroni, La narrazione storica come strumento scientifico e creativo della Public History, «Officina della Storia», 2018, n. 28, 2018) -
Il naufragio del Rodi. Vari progetti hanno ricordato i fatti di San Benedetto del Tronto del 1970
(M. Troilo. Il naufragio del Rodi. Vari progetti hanno ricordato i fatti di San Benedetto del Tronto del 1970, «Clionet», 2021, n. 5, pp. 251-254, 2021) -
Navigating the Politics of Remembering
(P. Meihana, Navigating the Politics of Remembering, Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 44–53., 2022)Remembering the past is not as straight forward as it might appear. The histories that we choose to retell and privilege speak to contemporary concerns. For Rangitāne, Ngāti Kuia and Ngāti Apa, the indigenous peoples of ... -
Negotiating Public Participation through Dance and Drama Techniques: A Roundtable Discussion on the Challenges of Public History Work by the Isikhumbuzo Applied History Unit in South Africa
(P. C. Hellemann, Negotiating Public Participation through Dance and Drama Techniques: A Roundtable Discussion on the Challenges of Public History Work by the Isikhumbuzo Applied History Unit in South Africa, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-9, 2019)The Isikhumbuzo Applied History Unit (IAHU) of Rhodes University History Department specializes in innovative methodologies for bringing historical information closer to non-academic audiences. The National Research ... -
Nel blu dipinto di blu. L’ottimismo dei cinegiornali per un’Italia che vuole volare
(S. Celli, Nel blu dipinto di blu. L’ottimismo dei cinegiornali per un’Italia che vuole volare, «Clionet», 2020, n. 4, pp. 56-66, 2020) -
Neuland, Boom, Vielfalt – Geschichtswettbewerbe heute
(2013)Geschichtswettbewerbe schießen seit einigen Jahren wie Pilze aus dem Boden. Auch international sind sie ein zur Nachahmung anstiftendes Erfolgsmodell. Wohin führt diese anscheinend so positive Entwicklung der historisch- ... -
New Field, Old Practices: Promises and Challenges of Public History
(T. Cauvin, New Field, Old Practices: Promises and Challenges of Public History, «Magazén», 2, 2021, n. 1, pp. 13-44, 2021)Although public history is becoming increasingly international, the field remains difficult to define and subject to some criticism. Based on sometimes longestablished public practices, public history displays new approaches ... -
Niue Fakahoamotu Nukutuluea Motutefua Nukututaha: Critical Discussions of Niue History in and Beyond Aotearoa New Zealand
(J. Pasisi, Z. C. L. Henry, I. A. Fa’avae, R. AtfieldDouglas, B. L. Togahai, T. Makaola, Z. Feilo, A. S. Pilisi, Niue Fakahoamotu Nukutuluea Motutefua Nukututaha: Critical Discussions of Niue History in and Beyond Aotearoa New Zealand. Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 67–77, 2021)Bringing together Niue scholars, creatives and thinkers from various disciplines and fields, this article is the culmination of two conference roundtables, a history panel, and multiple ongoing discussions about critically ... -
“No One is Ever Ready for Something Like This.” – On the Dialectic of the Holocaust in First-Person Shooters as Exemplified by Wolfenstein: The New Order
(E. Pfister, F. Zimmermann, “No One is Ever Ready for Something Like This.” – On the Dialectic of the Holocaust in First-Person Shooters as Exemplified by Wolfenstein: The New Order, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, 2021)For almost three decades, the depiction of the Holocaust was considered taboo in digital games. While World War II became a popular historicizing setting for digital games, the crimes of the Nazi regime and the Holocaust ... -
"Non-places" of school of memory . First reflection on the forgotten places of education as generators of collective school memory : between Oral history, Public history and Digital history
(M. Brunelli, Non-places of school memory : first reflections on the forgotten places of education as generators of collective school memory : between Oral history, Public history and Digital history, « HECL», 14, 2019, n. 1, pp. 49-72, 2019)The article explores the concept of «places of memory» by analysing it from the opposite perspective of «non-places», an expression which – born in the context of the studies on the so-called «difficult heritage» and ... -
Nota conclusiva al Dossier Ugo Fedeli
(C. De Maria, Nota conclusiva al Dossier Ugo Fedeli, «Clionet», 2020, n. 4, pp. 122-123, 2020) -
Note sulle origini della Public History italiana ed internazionale
(S. Noiret, Note sulle origini della Public History italiana ed internazionale, «Officina della Storia», 21, 2019, 2019) -
La “nuova storiografia digitale” negli Stati Uniti (1999-2004)
(S. Noiret, La 'nuova storiografia digitale' negli Stati Uniti (1999-2004), «Memoria e ricerca», 13, 2005, n. 18, pp.169-185, (2005) -
Off The Pedestal: The Fall of Edward Colston
(J. Moody, Off the Pedestal: The Fall of Edward Colston, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1–5, 2021)This paper considers the fall of the statue of Edward Colston in long historical perspective and reflects on the place of history, memory and ‘heritage’ within this. The statue has its own long history of protest and ... -
Olympe de Gouges in Italia: nuovi spunti e percorsi per la public history
(S. Bartoli, "Olympe de Gouges in Italia: nuovi spunti e percorsi per la public history", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2022, n.6, pp. 135-145, 2022)Da alcuni decenni ha preso avvio un percorso di riscoperta della vita e delle opere di Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793), scrittrice e drammaturga francese. A lei si deve la Dichiarazione dei diritti della donna e della cittadina ... -
Olympia-Eröffnungen. Ein historisches Wunderland?
(C. Bühl-Gramer, Olympia-Eröffnungen. Ein historisches Wunderland?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 10, 2014)Erstmals wurden bei den olympischen Sommerspielen in Tokio 1964 regelmäßige Satellitenübertragungen erprobt, vier Jahre später waren sie bei den Spielen in Mexiko-City Standard. Seitdem sind vor allem die Eröffnungsfeiern ... -
‘On Our Own Terms’: Refusal, Masks, and Indigenous Counter-narratives in Santiago de Chile Public Space
(O. Casagrande, ‘On Our Own Terms’: Refusal, Masks, and Indigenous Counter-narratives in Santiago de Chile Public Space, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 93-104, 2022)The exhibition MapsUrbe: The invisible City (December 2018 – January 2019) staged the creations of young Mapuche artists and activists addressing the politics and history of the indigenous diaspora in Santiago (Chile). ...