Now showing items 520-524 of 524

    • Year of the Goblin 

      Monteanni, Luigi <SOAS University of London> (L. Monteanni- Year of the Goblin- «Magazén», 4, 2023, n. 2, pp. 291-327, 2023)
      This paper sheds light on the connections between musical undergrounds and the global emergence of ‘goblin mode’ as a political aesthetic. In March 2022 The Guardian published an article discussing the popularity of a new ...
    • Youth, Resistance, and Public Uses of History in Mexico 

      Plá, Sebastián (S. Plá, Youth, Resistance, and Public Uses of History in Mexico, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 37, 2014)
      Conventional wisdom on the teaching of history in Mexico holds that the problem of learning is that today’s young people only think about the present and that they are incapable of assessing the past and the future. To ...
    • Zeitverkauf 

      Barricelli, Michele (2013)
      Geschichte wird gemessen, gezählt, gedeutet, erzählt. So verpackt, dient sie sehr unterschiedlichen Zwecken: zur Orientierung der Zeitgenossen in ihrer Gegenwart, für den Druck in Hochglanzmagazinen, als fein abgewogene ...
    • Zona Pericolosa: il documentario del boom economico tra progresso e regresso 

      Perniola, Ivelise (I. Perniola, Zona Pericolosa: il documentario del boom economico tra progresso e regresso, «Clionet», 2020, n. 4, pp. 46-54, 2020)
    • Lo zoo di Ipponatte 

      Giubilo, Barbara (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-06-20)
      La tesi ha per oggetto lo studio del mondo animale in Ipponatte. Essa è suddivisa in quattro capitoli, in cui sono rispettivamente presi in esame la funzione svolta dagli animali nelle credenze popolari, nelle superstizioni ...