Browsing Contributi in rivista / Contributions in journals and magazines by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 554
La Public History: innovazioni metodologiche e prospettive divulgative nella scienza storica Una discussione con Serge Noiret, presidente del Consiglio Direttivo dell’AIPH
(S. Noiret, La Public History: innovazioni metodologiche e prospettive divulgative nella scienza storica Una discussione con Serge Noiret, «Storia e Futuro», 2017, n. 45, pp. 1-11, (2017) -
Public History, A Necessity in Today’s European Union?
(S. Noiret, Public History, A Necessity in Today’s European Union?, «Public history weekly», 5, 2017, 32, (2017)In Europe, contemporary political debates are heavily influenced by history and memory issues. European citizens have multi-layered identities, which reflect the active role played by the past in the present. The Europe ... -
Public History with Tweets
(S. Noiret, Public history with tweets, «Public history weekly», 5, 2017, n. 24, (2017)Are social media capable of tackling issues that deal with the past, or do they merely constitute a series of visual icons on web pages that allow us to share what we see and read with virtual “friends”? Are these logos ... -
Digital (Public) History: la nuova strada di una antica disciplina
(E. Salvatori, Digital (Public) History: la nuova strada di una antica disciplina, «RiMe» 1–I, 2017, pp. 57–94, (2017)The digital revolution has had a profound impact on how history is being studied, analyzed, shared, taught, as well as how the sources of the past are published, preserved and even produced. This essay presents an overview ... -
Il Codice Pelavicino tra edizione digitale e Public History
(E. Salvatori, R. Rosselli Del Turco, C. Alzetta, C. Di Pietro, C. Mannari, A. Miaschi, Il Codice Pelavicino tra edizione digitale e Public History, «Umanistica Digitale» 1, 2017, pp. 105–117, (2017)The Codice Pelavicino Digitale Project aims to publish an online digital edition of the relevant manuscript of the XIII century. In this paper features of the edition and related issues are addressed. Secondly we explain ... -
The rise of Public History: an international perspective
(T. Cauvin, The Rise of Public History: an international perspective, «Historia Crítica» n. 68, 2018, pp. 3-26, (2018)This article explores the birth and development of public history and presents the different criteria of its internationalization from the 1970s to the more recent creation of the International Federation of Public History. ... -
La storia delle donne in percorsi di Public History : editoriale
(I. Gagliardi, A. Savelli, La storia delle donne in percorsi di Public History : editoriale, «Storia delle donne», n. 14, 2018, pp. 5-17, (2018) -
Trabajar con el pasado en internet: la historia pública digital y las narraciones de las redes sociales
(S. Noiret, Trabajar con el pasado en internet: la historia pública digital y las narraciones de las redes sociales, «Ayer», 2018, 110, n. 2, pp. 111-140, (2018)El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cómo la historia pública digital y el contenido generado por los usuarios están estableciendo nuevas formas de actividad profesional en las redes sociales. Definiremos qué son las ... -
Shu Zi Gong Zhong Shi Xue
(S. Noiret, Shu Zi Gong Zhong Shi Xue. (trad. a cura di J. Li), «Gong Zhong Shi Xue», Zhejiang Daxue, 1, 2018, pp. 185-208, (2018) -
Museo Europeo degli Studenti - MEUS. Un esempio di Public History
(S. Negruzzo, Museo Europeo degli Studenti - MEUS. Un esempio di Public History, Annali di storia delle università italiane, 2018, n. 1, pp. 183-194, (2018) -
Online resources for the history of religion: a look at national history museums and at the House of European History
(A. Savelli, Online resources for the history of religion: a look at national history museums and at the House of European History, «RiMe» 5/I n.s., 2019, pp. 89-110, (2019)History museums have been influenced by developments in contemporary museology, opening up to new forms of interaction with their local communities. This is true also in the case of European national history museums, with ... -
La Public History dalle origini alla costituzione dell’Associazione Italiana di Public History: movimento o disciplina?
(A. Savelli, La Public History dalle origini alla costituzione dell’Associazione Italiana di Public History: movimento o disciplina?, «Sapere pedagogico e Pratiche educative», n. 3, 2019, pp. 9-22, (2019)Public history is triggering debate and lively reactions in Italy. What is the reason for its success? In connection with what areas does public history lead historians to think, and to act? This text questions these points, ... -
Participation in heritage crowdsourcing
(C. Bonacchi, A. Bevan, A. Keinan-Schoonbaert, D. Pett, J. Wexler, Participation, «Heritage Crowdsourcing. Museum Management and Curatorship», 34, 2019, n. 2, pp. 1-18, (2019)This paper draws upon the experience of several years of running a multi-application crowdsourcing platform, as well as a longitudinal evaluation of participant profiles, motivations and behaviour, to argue that heritage ... -
The birth of a new discipline of the past? : public history in Italy
(S. Noiret, The birth of a new discipline of the past? Public history in Italy, «Ricerche storiche», XLIX, 2019, n. 3, pp. 131-166, (2019)This essay has been published ten years after Ricerche Storiche’s special issue on Media and History coordinated by Francesco Mineccia and Luigi Tomassini (2009) which engaged, for the first time in Italy, with Public History ... -
Experiences of Public History and ICT for the Representation of Cultural Heritage
(S. Mantini, Experiences of Public History and ICT for the Representation of Cultural Heritage in «DISEGNARE CON», 12, 2019, pp. 161-164, (2019)Public History is a field of the historical sciences where historians carry out activities related to the research and communication of history with and for different audiences. This article aims to analyze the role of ... -
Il Manifesto della Public History Italiana
(S. Noiret, Il Manifesto della Public History Italiana, «Public history weekly», 2019, 7, n. 27, (2019)Come sappiamo, il ruolo sociale degli storici come esperti capaci di influenzare i dibattiti contemporanei a causa della loro conoscenza del passato e delle loro abilità critiche applicate alle fonti originali, è messo in ... -
An Overview of Public History in Italy: No Longer A Field Without a Name
(S. Noiret, An Overview of Public History in Italy: No Longer A Field Without a Name, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, 5 pp., (2019)This article traces the origins and development of public history in Italy, a field not anymore without this name today. Public history in Italy has its roots in historical institutions born in the nineteenth century and ... -
Archivi, valorizzazione, Public History
(I. Zanni Rosiello, Archivi, valorizzazione, public history, «Le carte e la storia», 2019, n. 1, pp. 5-14, (2019)The use of archives by the general public has undoubtedly changed. Archivists have now developed various initiatives to meet the demands of people from different paths of life. Promoting archives is as essential as preserving ... -
Giocare la storia in città: storytelling, gamification e urban game storici
(I. Pizzirusso, G. Uberti, Giocare la storia in città: storytelling, gamification e urban game storici, «Officina della Storia», 2019, n. 21, (2019) -
Questa è public history? I meme e la storia
(I. Pizzirusso, G. Sorrentino, I. Meloni, F. Mantovani, M. Di Legge, Questa è public history? I meme e la storia, «», 2019, n. 12, (2019)Come è noto, Internet è popolato da una gran numero di fenomeni. Alcuni di loro appartengono alle sottoculture, altri (magari nati proprio tra queste sottoculture) diventano mainstream, diffondendosi da una comunità online ...