Items 141-160 di 464

    • It is Young People that Give Me Hope 

      Feyen, Christoph <German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Colombo, Sri Lanka> (F. Christoph. It is Young People that Give Me Hope, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020, 2020)
      Seventy-seven years after gaining independence and 11 years after the end of a long civil war, Sri Lankan public discourse is still searching for a broadly accepted concept of national identity and struggling to find ...
    • Historical Consciousness and Transitional Justice in Post-War Sri Lanka 

      Dewasiri, Nirmal <University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka> (N. Dewasiri, Historical Consciousness and Transitional Justice in Post-War Sri Lanka, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020, 2020)
      Historical consciousness is a decisive factor in Sri Lanka with regards to the relationships between Sinhala and Tamil ethnic communities. It functioned as a great divide between these two communities. It was also used as ...
    • Re-imaging an Inclusive People’s History 

      Naidu-Silverman, Ereshnee <International Sites of Conscience Network, New York City, USA> (E. Naidu-Silverman, Re-imaging an Inclusive People’s History, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020, 2020)
      Drawing on the meaning of memorialization with examples from South Africa, this article argues that given the racist history of the USA, the meanings and function of memorials to the past should be subverted to continue ...
    • A Public History of monuments 

      Cauvin, Thomas <Université du Luxembourg> (2022)
      Recent controversies over monuments question not only who should be represented and commemorated in the public space but also who can decide whether to remove or not the monuments. In doing so, those controversies relate ...
    • Historians, Public History, and Transitional Justice: Baltic Experiences 

      Pettai, Eva-Clarita <Imre Kertész Kolleg, University of Jena, Jena, Germany> (E.C. Pettai, Historians, Public History, and Transitional Justice: Baltic Experiences, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020)
      How does public history correlate with issues of transitional justice and democratization? What are the roles and functions of professional historians during revolutionary moments and in the building of democratic culture ...
    • Recent History in the Courtroom: Notes on an Experience as an Expert Witness in a Trial for Crimes Against Humanity in Argentina 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze>; Garaño, Santiago <National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina; National University of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina> (S. Garaño, Recent History in the Courtroom: Notes on an Experience as an Expert Witness in a Trial for Crimes Against Humanity in Argentina, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020)
      In this work I reflect on a new figure that has been gaining presence in trials for crimes against humanity since 2005: the “context witness,” a specialist – usually coming from social sciences – who is presented as a ...
    • The Historian’s Role, Public History, and the National Truth Commission in Brazil 

      Viz Quadrat, Samantha <Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil> (S. Viz Quadrat, The Historian’s Role, Public History, and the National Truth Commission in Brazil, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020)
      In 2011, twenty-six years after the end of the military dictatorship, the Brazilian government took the initiative of implementing the right to memory and to the truth, as well as promoting national reconciliation. A ...
    • En(countering) Silence – Some Thoughts on Historical Justice after Memoricide 

      Du Toit, Fanie <Institute for Justice and Reconciliation and Associate, InTransformation Initiative, Pretoria, South Africa> (2020)
      This essay argues that public historians and transitional justice experts need one another’s input in at least two crucial tasks facing nations after episodes of mass violence. In challenging the silence that typically ...
    • Identity, Memory, and the Transitional Landscape: Public History in the Context of Transitional Justice 

      Hettiarachchi, Radhika <Independent Rresearcher, Colombo, Sri Lanka>; Santhiago, Ricardo <Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, Brazil> (R. Hettiarachchi, R. Santhiago, Identity, Memory, and the Transitional Landscape: Public History in the Context of Transitional Justice, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020)
      This special issue explores the intersection between transitional justice and public history. It presents some of the key claims, concerns, and debates within the field. As a key component of the “reparations pillar” within ...
    • Refugees Welcome!? The Controversial Topic of Migration in German Museums 

      Pülm, Felix <Silpakorn University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand> (F. Pülm, Refugees Welcome!? The Controversial Topic of Migration in German Museums, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 1,, 2020)
      This article deals with the representation of migration in German museums. Three exhibitions are examined, all of which dealt with the topic of migration in the year 2018. The exhibitions included are: “2 Million Years ...
    • Public History in Egypt: The Power of Public History in Protecting Cultural Heritage 

      Abd el Salam, Heba <American School of Oriental Research, Alexandria, Virginia, USA> (H. Abd el Salam, Public History in Egypt: The Power of Public History in Protecting Cultural Heritage, «International Public History», 3, 2020, n. 1, 2020)
      Public history is a significant field of education that teaches people about their past. However, it still does not exist in countries like Egypt, which is in great need of the field to link Egyptians with their history. ...
    • Narratives of Memory and Myth in the House of European History 

      Zündorf, Irmgard <Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam, Germany>; Bojarska, Katarzyna <SWPS University, Warsaw, Poland; Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland>; Casper, Jan Alexander <Freie Universität Berlin, Germany>; Edemen, Fatma <Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland>; Gundermann, Christine <University of Cologne, Germany>; Hooks, Jess <Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland>; Lochekhina, Galina <Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland>; Merk, Norma <University of Teacher Education Lucerne, Switzerland>; Metzger, Franziska <University of Teacher Education Lucerne, Switzerland>; Monteiro, Marit <Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands>; Owzar, Armin <University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France>; Schattschneider, Anna <Freie Universität Berlin, Germany> (I. Zündorf, K. Bojarska, J. A. Casper, F. Edemen, C. Gundermann, J. Hooks, G. Lochekhina, N. Merk, F. Metzger, M. Monteiro, A. Owzar and A. Schattschneider, Narratives of Memory and Myth in the House of European History, «International Public History», 3, 2020, n. 1,, 2020)
      This article, co-authored by an international group of MA students, originates from a workshop which was part of the international blended learning seminar “Europe: Practices, Narratives, Spaces of Memory.” The seminar was ...
    • The House of European History, Food for Thought and Reflection 

      Kesteloot, Chantal (C. Kesteloot, The House of European History, Food for Thought and Reflection, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 1,, 2020)
      In May 2017, the House of European History opened its doors in Brussels. Long awaited, this new museum represents a small revolution in the museum landscape. It stands out both because of the scale of the project - the ...
    • Per una storia dell’antirazzismo nell’Italia repubblicana: problemi e ipotesi di ricerca 

      Cassata, Francesco; Schwarz, Guri (F. Cassata, G. Schwarz, Per una storia dell’antirazzismo nell’Italia repubblicana: problemi e ipotesi di ricerca, «Italia contemporanea», 2021, n. 297 (suppl.), pp. 6-15, 2022)
    • La storia in gioco. Public history e medium ludico a Play - Festival del gioco di Modena 

      Babini, Glauco <Game science research center, Lucca>; Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri> (G. Babini, I. Pizzirusso, La storia in gioco. Public history e medium ludico a Play - Festival del gioco di Modena, «E-Review», n. 8-9, 2021-2022, pp. 1-7, 2022)
      Il rapporto dei giochi con la storia è complesso e offre svariati spunti di riflessione, dalla narrazione che si costruisce al suo interno, alle nozioni che è in grado di trasmettere, all’interesse per il tema trattato che ...
    • L’urban game prima e durante la pandemia: il caso di Milano45 

      Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri>; Uberti, Giorgio (I. Pizzirusso, G. Uberti, L’urban game prima e durante la pandemia: il caso di Milano45, «», n.18, dicembre 2022, 2022)
      Milano45 è un urban game storico organizzato dall’Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri e progettato dall’associazione PopHistory, realizzato per la prima volta nell’aprile 2019, allo scopo di celebrare con una modalità ...
    • Wikipedia e la didattica: una storia d’amore? 

      Garelli, Gigi <Istituto storico della Resistenza e della società contemporanea>; Mastretta, Elena <Istituto Storico per la resistenza e la società contemporanea>; Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri> (G. Garelli, E. Mastretta, I. Pizzirusso, Wikipedia e la didattica: una storia d’amore?, «Diacronie. Studi di storia contemporanea», Miscellaneo, 50, 2022, n. 2, pp. 25-48, 2022)
      La rete ha modificato in modo significativo il rapporto dell’opinione pubblica con la storia, entrando con prepotenza per diffondere le sue realizzazioni prima con siti, poi con i social network e gli strumenti tipici del ...
    • Digital public history, ricerca storica e didattica. L’Atlante delle stragi come emblematico caso di studio 

      Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri> (I. Pizzirusso, Digital public history, ricerca storica e didattica. L’Atlante delle stragi come emblematico caso di studio, «Rivista di ricerca e didattica digitale», A. 1, 2021, n. 2, pp. 47-61, 2021)
      Iniziata dalla concretizzazione di ricerche locali in alcuni territori italiani a partire dal 1999, la mappatura delle stragi compiute da nazisti e fascisti nel nostro Paese ha avuto una lenta progressione almeno fino a ...
    • Quale storia per quale pubblico. Verso la giornata della Public history in Emilia-Romagna 

      Lusuardi, Chiara <Associazione PopHistory>; Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri> (C. Lusuardi, I. Pizzirusso, Quale storia per quale pubblico. Verso la giornata della Public history in Emilia-Romagna, «E-Review», n. 8-9, 2021-2022, pp. 1-8, 2021)
      L’articolo ripercorre i punti salienti del convegno online Quale storia per quale pubblico. Verso la giornata della Public history in Emilia-Romagna, tenutosi nell’ottobre del 2020, propedeutico alla realizzazione della ...
    • Alle origini della public history italiana: historikerstreit e revisionismo storiografico 

      Cenni, Angelo (A. Cenni, Alle origini della public history italiana: historikerstreit e revisionismo storiografico, «Giano PH», A. III, 2021, n. 9, pp. 6-12, 2021)
      L’historikerstreit avvenuta 35 anni fa in Germania e le sue ricadute in Italia (in particolare nella congiuntura del 1992, con il collasso dei partiti tradizionali) è un passaggio obbligato – a causa del passato fascista ...