Items 321-340 di 464

    • Public History in Japan 

      Okamoto, Michihiro <Toyo University> (M. Okamoto, Public History in Japan, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 1, pp. 1-6, 2018)
      This article introduces the history of historiography, specifically public history in Japan in recent times. Although the use of the word public history has not a long history and there have been only a few books and projects ...
    • History and Politics and the Politics of History: Poland and Its Museums of Contemporary History 

      Etges, Andreas <University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany>; Zündorf, Irmgard <Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam, Germany>; Machcewicz, Paweł <Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences> (A. Etges, I. Zündorf, P. Machcewicz, History and Politics and the Politics of History: Poland and Its Museums of Contemporary History, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 1, pp. 1-12, 2018)
      The Polish museum landscape has turned into a battleground between politicians and historians. Much of that has focused on the highly praised Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk which opened in March 2017. Its founding ...
    • Public History in Movement – Present Pasts: the Memory of Slavery in Brazil 

      De Almeida, Juniele Rabêlo <Fluminense Federal University>; Viana, Larissa Moreira <Fluminense Federal University> (J. R. De Almeida, L. M. Viana, Public History in Movement – Present Pasts: the Memory of Slavery in Brazil, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 1, pp. 1-7, 2018)
      Present Pasts: The Memory of Slavery in Brazil is a sound testament to the Brazilian public history movemen.This problematization of the “present pasts of slavery” finds fertile ground in Brazilian public history because ...
    • Sul malfunzionamento della memoria 

      Scudeletti, Giorgio (G. Scudeletti, Sul malfunzionamento della memoria, «Studi e ricerche di storia contemporanea», 2021, n. 95, pp. 23-31, 2021)
    • Some Reflections on Public History in Canada Today 

      Dean, David <Carleton University, Canada>; Walsh, John C. <Carleton University, Canada> (D. Dean, J. C. Walsh, Some Reflections on Public History in Canada Today, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 2, pp. 1-3, 2019)
      This article offers a reflection on the state of public history in Canada today. The authors focus on four particularly significant and related developments: the growth of the field within universities and colleges; the ways ...
    • Il Risorgimento in mostra. Percorsi espositivi nell’Italia liberale 

      Renzo, Luisa (L. Renzo, Il Risorgimento in mostra. Percorsi espositivi nell’Italia liberale, «Zapruder», 13, 2015, n. 36, pp. 25-41, 2015)
    • Serie TV e Public History. Narrazioni storiche seriali tra Italia e Stati Uniti 

      Poidomani, Giancarlo (G. Poidomani, Serie TV e Public History. Narrazioni storiche seriali tra Italia e Stati Uniti, «Storia e problemi contemporanei», 76, 2017, n. 3, pp. 5-13, 2017)
    • Storia ambientale applicata. L'archeologia delle risorse ambientali e l'ecologia storica dei siti 

      Moreno, Diego (D. Moreno, Storia ambientale applicata. L'archeologia delle risorse ambientali e l'ecologia storica dei siti, «Quaderni storici», 2020, n. 2, pp. 281-310, 2020)
      In this paper, two different historical approaches applied in the characterization of the environmental heritage, rural landscapes and local foodways will be compared. Historical geography has been, and still is, often ...
    • Public History e istituzioni culturali: mettiamo la storia al lavoro 

      Crasta, Madel (M. Crasta, Public History e istituzioni culturali: mettiamo la storia al lavoro, «Accademie & Biblioteche d'Italia», 13, 2019, n. 1/2, pp. 22-26, 2018)
    • Storia e fake news: il caso del neoborbonismo 

      Calefati, Christopher; Fiorio, Antonella; Palmieri, Federico (C. Calefati, A. Fiorio, F. Palmieri, Storia e fake news: il caso del neoborbonismo, «Ricerche di storia politica», 2020, n. 1, pp. 59-70, 2020)
      Neo-Bourbonism, as a narrative that describe the Italian unification process as the forced annexation of the South of Italy, has been strongly spreading in last years, especially after the 150th anniversary of the Italian ...
    • "Non-places" of school of memory . First reflection on the forgotten places of education as generators of collective school memory : between Oral history, Public history and Digital history 

      Brunelli, Marta <Università di Macerata> (M. Brunelli, Non-places of school memory : first reflections on the forgotten places of education as generators of collective school memory : between Oral history, Public history and Digital history, « HECL», 14, 2019, n. 1, pp. 49-72, 2019)
      The article explores the concept of «places of memory» by analysing it from the opposite perspective of «non-places», an expression which – born in the context of the studies on the so-called «difficult heritage» and ...
    • La storia formattata. Wikipedia tra creazione, uso e consumo 

      Bianchi, Roberto; Zazzara, Gilda (Passato e presente, 2017)
      This article offers some reflections on the cultural and epistemological challenges presented to historians and teachers by Wikipedia. The history of Wikipedia is examined via a consideration of the ‘policies’ set out by ...
    • Storia, memoria e oblio, dal mondo offline a quello online. Alcune riflessioni 

      Bianchi, Bruno (Studi e ricerche di storia contemporanea, 2021)
    • Archivi e public history. Note sulle mostre storie in movimento e storie restituite (Milano, 2019-2020) 

      Benzoni, Maria Matilde (M. M. Benzoni, Archivi e public history. Note sulle mostre storie in movimento e storie restituite (Milano, 2019-2020), «Storia in Lombardia», 38, 2018, n. 2, pp. 161-169, 2018)
    • Changing the Game: Public History and the Space of Fiction 

      De Groot, Jerome <University of Manchester, England> (J. de Groot, Changing the Game: Public History and the Space of Fiction, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 1, pp. 1-5, 2018)
      In this article I argue that we need a more plural, diverse and theorised historiography for public history. In the developing methodology associated with this approach we will need to be keenly aware of international. domestic, ...
    • Organizing Public History 

      Jones, Arnita A. < American Historical Association, Washington, USA> (A. A. Jones, Organizing Public History, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 1, pp. 1-9, 2018)
    • What Is (International) Public History? 

      Dean, David <Carleton University, Canada>; Etges, Andreas <L. M. Universität München> (D. Dean, A. Etges, What Is (International) Public History? «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 1, pp. 1-3,, 2018)
      What is Public History? And why do we need a new journal? Co-editors of IPH David Dean and Andreas Etges introduce this new international journal and discuss their thoughts in why it is a timely intervention in the field. ...
    • Rappresentare la storia. Il documentario come mezzo di trasmissione storiografica 

      Stamboulis, Giorgio (G. Stamboulis, Rappresentare la storia. Il documentario come mezzo di trasmissione storiografica, «Officina della Storia», 2015, n. 14, 2015)
    • Per una storia pubblica del tempo presente: festivals e processi storici nell Italia di oggi 

      Ridolfi, Maurizio (M. Ridolfi, Per una storia pubblica del tempo presente: festivals e processi storici nell Italia di oggi, «Officina della Storia», 2010, n. 29, 2010)
    • La storia del sindacato e dei lavoratori tra nostalgia e negazionismo 

      Osbat, Luciano (L. Osbat, La storia del sindacato e dei lavoratori tra nostalgia e negazionismo, «Officina della Storia», 2010, n. 29, 2010)