Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Bambini in tempo di guerra. Raccontare il passaggio della guerra e la Resistenza attraverso video-interviste di testimonianza: luoghi, memorie, racconti 

      Spiganti, Mario <AISO, Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale, Italy> (M. Spiganti, "Bambini in tempo di guerra. Raccontare il passaggio della guerra e la Resistenza attraverso video-interviste di testimonianza: luoghi, memorie, racconti", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 103-111, 2022)
      The paper aims at dealing mainly with infantry and it is carried on with methodological reflections, oral history research and audio-visive narrations. It sums up some issues about how to use oral and audio-visive sources ...
    • Didattica con i testimoni, l’esperienza con Silvano Sarti 

      Vitulano, Massimo <Technical secondary school "Marchi-Forti", Italy> (M. Vitulano, "Didattica con i testimoni, l’esperienza con Silvano Sarti", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 95-101, 2022)
      The paper aims at dealing with didactics of Resistance through the relationship between the historical wtnesses and younger generations. As the first has lived the historical events he is going to narrate, younger generations ...
    • Digital Personal Memories: The Archiving of the Self and Public History 

      Schafer, Valérie <University of Luxembourg> (V. Schafer, "Digital Personal Memories: The Archiving of the Self and Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 377-384, 2022)
      By providing a facilitated access to data storage, digital technologies seemto make expression and preservation of the self more straightforward. They reconfi-gure the means and forms of access to data, thus also affecting ...
    • I giorni della Memoria e del Ricordo. I viaggi di formazione nelle scuole toscane come Public History of Education 

      Bravi, Luca <Università di Firenze> (L. Bravi, I giorni della Memoria e del Ricordo. I viaggi di formazione nelle scuole toscane come Public History of Education, in G. Bandini, S. Oliviero (a cura di), "Public History of Education: riflessioni, testimonianze, esperienze", 2019, pp. 185-196, (2019)
      The construction of social cadres of memory is a process that is linked to the selection and oblivion of historical events, through a collective narrative aiming at building a sense of belonging and citizenship. Is it ...
    • La memoria come impegno civile. Il racconto della Resistenza nell’Italia repubblicana 

      Calvetto, Silvano <Università di Torino> (S. Calvetto, "La memoria come impegno civile. Il racconto della Resistenza nell’Italia repubblicana", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 35-44, 2022)
      In modern societies two processes seem to be carried on simultaneously. On one side, the traditional shape assumed by historical knowledge seems dissolving. On the other side, another exigence has to be affirmed: the ...
    • La memoria delle “anziane” maestre. Ricercare radici per costruire storie 

      Cagnolati, Antonella <Università di Foggia>; De Serio, Barbara <Università di Foggia> (A. Cagnolati, B. De Serio, La memoria delle “anziane” maestre. Ricercare radici per costruire storie, in G. Bandini, S. Oliviero (a cura di), "Public History of Education: riflessioni, testimonianze, esperienze", 2019, pp.197-210, 2019)
      This contribution focuses on the memory of older women, in the role of pupils and teachers. The starting point is the awareness of the role that the elderly person plays for younger generations, as an agent of transformation ...
    • Past and Present in Digital Public History 

      Ravveduto, Marcello <Università di Salerno> (M. Ravveduto, Past and Present in Digital Public History, in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 131-138, 2022)
      The author examines the relationship between past and present to reflecton the perception of time in the era of the digital revolution. The time of digital pres-entism is not linear but circular. The arrival point coincides ...
    • Storie e memorie della prima generazione di educatrici ed educatori dei nidi in Toscana 

      Macinai, Emiliano <Università di Firenze>; Oliviero, Stefano <Università di Firenze> (E. Macinai, S. Oliviero, Storie e memorie della prima generazione di educatrici ed educatori dei nidi in Toscana, in G. Bandini, S. Oliviero (a cura di), "Public History of Education: riflessioni, testimonianze, esperienze", 2019, pp. 159-168, 2019)
      This contribution describes some steps of a research, by its nature constantly in progress, which has seen us engaged on several occasions in recent years, namely the collection and sharing of the stories and memories of ...