Sfoglia Cultura Latinoamericana. Vol. 29, Núm. 1 (enero-junio 2019) per Data di Pubblicazione
Items 1-12 di 12
El concepto de nación entre tradición y moderni-dad. Variaciones semánticas en el contexto hispánico.
(2019)The objective of this research article is to illustrate how the concept of Na-tion was defined by reference to the historical changes which took place in the Hispanic context between the 18th and the 19th centuries, ... -
La protesta estudiantil argentina a un siglo del “grito de Córdoba”: una aproximación a su fenomenología
(2019)In Argentina the university reform of 1918 represents the iterat from which the student body is configured as a political subject; Since then, the work of this sector has been continuous, except for a few lapses, and today ... -
Las negociaciones de paz entre la Gran Colombia y España: esperanzas y desencantos de un referente latinoamericano de reconciliación.
(2019)Within the framework of the commemoration of the bicentenary of the Independence of Colombia and the current reflections on the post-conflict theme, the purpose of this research article is to analyze with a ... -
La función social de la actividad humana en Gabriel García Márquez
(2019)In this research article are analyzed with a qualitative methodology some ideas some essential ideas of Gabriel García Márquez, discusses from his work as a journalist and writer, in relation to his anthropological ... -
“Ir y quedar, y con quedar partirse”: breve análisis del fenómeno migratorio en España
(2019)This research article aims to explore with a qualitative metodology the phenomenon of migration in Spain, highlighting, through a diachronic view, the main stages of a process that, today, has reversed its initial ... -
(2019) -
Prevención y lucha contra la violencia de género en México e Italia: semántica de las leyes y desarrollo de las políticas en un análisis comparado
(2019)This research article summarizes the chronogram of United Nations documents issued since 1993 to combat gender-based violence against women, analyzing the case of two countries in particular, Mexico and Italy, ... -
De los hidrocarburos a las energías renovables en Colombia
(2019)In present research article, the different social, economic and legal as-pects that favor or limit the Colombian energy transition towards energy mix composition that combines successfully the hydrocarbons ... -
The relationship between migration and economic development: an analysis of the Mexican migration case
(2019)The objective of this research article is to highlight through a qualitative methodology the significant example of the relationship between migration and economic development represented by Mexican ... -
La historia es un profeta con la mirada vuelta hacia atrás. La tradición humanista y los estudios de pensamiento latinoamericano en la Uni-versidad Central “Martha Abreu” de Las Villas (1952-1999)
(2019)This essay refers the historical background of philosophical studies, and particularly the studies about Cuban and Latin-American reality, at the Central University “Martha Abreu” of Las Villas, from a ...