Browsing Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 6, n. 4 (Ottobre - Dicembre 2019) by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Fra giurisprudenza e retorica scolastica: note sul ius a Sofistopoli
(2019)The paper investigates the importance of studing Latin declamations for the reconstruction of the Roman legal experience. -
Note intorno a C. 8.50.7. il caso di una donna ingenua redempta prostituita e l’odium imperiale
(2019)The article aims to examine the text, the literal/literary meaning, and the decision of the rescript of C. 8.50.7 related to a maiden ingenua redempta ab hostibus, redeemed by a foedissima woman and then forced into ... -
Riflessioni a margine di Plaut., Rud. 973: nec manu adserentur neque illinc partem quisquam postulat
(2019)The analysis also shows an aspect that is important to emphasize: the protagonists of the plautine comedies often bring to the stage real legal questions, frequently employing the relevant technical terminology (to make ... -
Le disposizioni anticipate di trattamento: luci ed ombre
(2019)The recent forecast about the advanced treatment Provisions and their binding nature and effectiveness (Articles 4 and 5 Law 22nd December 2017, n. 219) leads to many challenges concerning the validity of fundamental ... -
Lo stato patologico del provvedimento amministrativo quale esito del delitto di concussione e corruzione
(2019)The different pathologies of an administrative provision reverberate in the context of the configuration of the criminal case. The pathology of the administrative act presents critical profiles that relate to the ... -
Due "insolite" testimonianze arangiane
(2019)The essay republishes two testimonies relating to the complex figure of Vincenzo Arangio-Ruiz. The first reproduces a radio speech pronounced when the Professor held the office of Minister of Public Education. Then it ...