Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 8, n. 2 (Aprile - Giugno 2021)
Immissioni Recenti
Anticipazioni antiche di un moderno sistema di responsabilità civile. Dalla lex Aquilia alla tutela aquiliana del credito
(2021)The possibility of compensating the violation of a relative right in a non-contractual context represented a decisive turnaround for the modern developments of the Italian civil liability system. The analysis of the ... -
Armata sapientia e Collatio
(2021) -
Caposaldi romanistici nei principi generali del Codice civile cinese 2020
(2021)The study of the general principles of the recent Chinese Civil Code illustrates the presence of a systematic Euroromanist approach which, by inserting these principles in the initial and general part of the legislative ... -
Sport e diritto
(2021) -
'Trans Tiberim'
(2021) -
Deregulation amministrativa e tutela del territorio: l'ambito di applicazione del silenzio-assenso “orizzontale” in materia paesaggistica
(2021)The paper analyzes the scope of the so called “horizontal assent-silence”, with regard to the landscape authorization procedures, according to the innovations introduced by the D.L. n. 76/2020 (converted with amendments ... -
L’attualita’ del pluralismo di Santi Romano: brevi spunti di riflessione
(2021)Romano’s theories revolutionize the perspectives of the doctrine of publishing law. Adhering to certain European intellectual tendencies, which recognize Duguit and Hauriou as their initiators, this jurist explores the ... -
L’Italia del lavoro nel dopoguerra. La dottrina giuslavoristica tra ‘continuità’ e volontà di cambiamento
(2021)Change and continuity is the combination that best describes the animated and conflicting dynamics that coloured all the fronts within the newborn Republic after World War II. All the more reason this contrast occurs in ... -
La tutela transnazionale del credito nell’ordinamento dell’Unione europea tra attuale ineffettivita’ e nuovi orizzonti applicativi
(2021)The work is willing to analyze the European regulations of the European institutions regarding transnational credit protection, which specifically concern cross-border enforcement of judicial and extra-judicial decisions. ...