Hegemo nía y sujeto: hacia una comprensión ontológica del término desde el contexto de América Latina
This research article analyzes, through a qualitative methodology, the contributions of contemporary critical thinking to an ontological foundation of hegemony. Understanding this as a subjective process of regulation of the relationship between State and civil society. Part of evaluating the dynamics of
work, institutional planning and communicative practices of socialization and the changes that these cause in the hegemony within the Latin American context, scenario in which he assesses the shortcomings of the theory of hegemony exposed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe for the understanding of the changes operated in hegemony as a social process in Latin America. It values
from it the diverse theoretical positions around this process and, from his critique, he explores the regularities of his philosophical definition as a subjective process. Finally, it values the contributions of Michel Foucault, Alain Badiou, Noam Chomsky and Franz Hinkelammert to the ontological understanding of hegemony in the current context.