Sfoglia Area Scienze chimiche, fisiche, matematiche per Titolo
Items 1-20 di 297
New chemical topologies based on calixarene threading
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-03-11)Recently, Neri et al. have introduced an efficient method to obtain endo-cavity complexation and through-the-annulus threading of large calixarenes by exploiting the inducing effect of the weakly coordinating tetrakis[3, ... -
Le potenzialità dell’e-learning nell’apprendimento della matematica
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-18)La tesi indaga e discute le potenzialità dell’e-learning nell’apprendimento della matematica. Oggi la tecnologia dell’informazione e della comunicazione non è più strettamente legata a qualche quadro teorico. In passato ... -
Imbedding and compactness results in some function spaces
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-03-16)Abstract Nello studio di vari problemi ellittici con soluzioni in spazi di Sobolev S( ) (con o senza peso) definiti su un aperto di Rn, non necessariamente limitato o regolare, spesso risulta necessario stabilire ... -
Functionalized Syndiotactic Polystyrene
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-02-14)La sintesi di materiali polimerici da metodo di modificazione, per ottenere le proprietà desiderate in polimeri, è un argomento importante in chimica dei polimeri e tecnologia. Molto spesso, proprietà desiderate non sono ... -
Nb nanoporous ultrathin films: matching effects and interconnected wires
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-03-03)When the applied magnetic field is higher than the lower critical field but below the upper critical field, a type-II superconductor allows magnetic flux to penetrate it in the form of vortices, a tiny normal area ... -
Numerical treatment of special second order ordinary differential equations: general and exponentially fitted methods
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-04-19)The aim of this research is the construction and the analysis of new families of numerical methods for the integration of special second order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). The modeling of continuous time ... -
Materiali ibridi e nanostrutturati derivati da copolimeri multiblocco polistirene-polibutadiene: sintesi e applicazioni
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-02-16)Scopo della presente tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Chimica, avente ampio carattere di esplorazione e innovazione, è stato quello di sviluppare materiali ibridi di natura organica ed inorganica con controllo della morfologia ... -
Dissipation, mixing and two level system in quantum field theory
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-04-30)In this dissertation we discuss several aspects of a two level system (qubit) in the context of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. The presence of geometrical phases in the evolution of a qubit state is shown. We ... -
Polymorphism and co-crystalline phases of polymers
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-02-04)Crystalline phases are extremely relevant for properties and applications of many polymeric materials. In fact, their amount, structure and morphology constitute the main factors controlling physical properties of fibers, ... -
Logit dynamics for strategic games mixing time and metastability
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-04-18)A complex system is generally de_ned as a system emerging from the interaction of several and di_erent components, each one with their properties and their goals, usually subject to external inuences. Nowadays, complex ... -
Electric transport properties of S/F hybrids: weak and inhomogenous ferromagnet
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-03-30)Superconductivity (S) and ferromagnetism (F) are competing phases whose coexistence is unlikely to occur. Exceptions require a non−uniform profile both for the pairing and the magnetization, as in the case of the FFLO ... -
Analysis of a birth and death process with alternating rates and of a telegraph process with underlying random walk
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-04-24)My thesis for the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics (November 1, 2008 - October 31, 2011) at University of Salerno, Italy, has been oriented to the analysis of two stochastic models, with particular emphasis on the ... -
On the solvability of linear PDEs in weighted Sobolev spaces
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-03-30)In this work we are interested in strong solutions of a Dirichlet problem for an elliptic linear operator... [edited by author] -
On the formulation of Einstein general relativity in a phisycal reference system
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-04-06)The research deals with the breaking of the evolution problem of a reversible material system in two different problems, the initial data problem and the restricted evolution problem. This breaking, intrinsically formulated, ... -
Development of molecular models of interfaces using a multi-scale hybrid particle-field approach: application to composite materials and biomembranes
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-03-07)The rule of the interface in systems including polymer composites and block-‐ copolymer interacting with biomembrane has been investigated by computational approach. In particular, for the poly ... -
Highly Stable Multistage Numerical Methods for Functional Equations: Theory and Implementation Issues
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2010-08-06)Functional equations provide the best and most natural way to describe evolution in time and space, also in presence of memory. In fact, the spread of diseases, the growth of biological populations, the brain dynamics, ... -
Uniqueness and partition of energy for thermomicrostretch elastic solids backward intime
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-06-12)In questo lavoro, è mostrata l’unicità delle soluzioni per il problema a ritroso nel tempo della teoria lineare dei materiali elastici termomicrostretch, ed è provata l’impossibilità della localizzazione nel tempo della ... -
Discovering hidden structures in high
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-03-01)Il grande volume di dati che viene attualmente collezionato nei vari campi di applicazione non può essere gestito usando le tecniche standard di data mining. L’obiettivo principale del presente lavoro di tesi è quello ... -
Magneto-transport properties of thin superconducting strips in the framework of Time Dependent Ginzburg Landau model
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-05-30)This dissertation is addressed to summarize my experimental/phenomenological research activities conducted at the laboratories of Physics Department, University of Salerno. The experimental work consisted in the fabrication ... -
Synthesis,characterization and catalytic activity of organometallic complexes of group 3 and 4 with N-heterocyclic carbene ligands
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-21)The synthesis and characterization of a zirconium complex, having two alkoxide funtionalized N-heterocyclic carbene ligands, and its behaviour as catalyst in the polymerization of ethylene and propylene, have been ...