“Dar voce ai maestri per formare nuovi maestri”: una proposta di Public History fra fonti orali e biografie magistrali
The paper explores a research project focused on gathering, analysing, and
sharing video-recorded professional biographies of teachers. This project involves former
teachers who were actively involved in the Gruppi di Aggiornamento e Sperimentazione
during the 1970s in various regions of Italy. These educators implemented the pedagogical-didactical concept of the Scuola come Centro di Ricerca in their elementary schools.
This initiative was inspired by Alfredo Giunti and promoted by the teachers’ journal
«Scuola Italiana Moderna». By employing a combination of the methodological frameworks of Public History and Oral History, the research has rediscovered and given voice
to the experiences of those teachers. This approach aims to cultivate a social awareness of
teachers, encouraging reflection on their professional identity. The collected biographies
will be examined in a collaborative learning program within the Primary Education Sciences degree course at the University of Bergamo and, additionally, will be publicly disseminated as “immaterial historical-scholastic heritage”.