Andar per scuole tra le montagne della Basilicata. Un laboratorio nomade tra le scuole rurali e le storie dei maestri nel Pollino
The contribution outlines the project of an itinerant workshop promoted by the University of Basilicata with the cultural association «ArtePollino» aimed at
schoolchildren and students to come back, through an experiential educational journey,
on the steps where schooling was done in the past, stitching together individual and community stories, many of them linked to the teachers and female teachers who inhabited
and animated those rural hamlets. The project – in planning activities and expected results according to a Public History of Education approach – is in tune with the shared
promotion by several institutional and associational actors of an activity in a public space;
the involvement of audiences other than specialists (schoolchildren, university students,
local community residents, old teachers) and the increased knowledge, preservation and
enhancement of the educational heritage offered by the Pollino scholastic, in the rural
Basilicata of the twentieth century.