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Campo DCValoreLingua
dc.contributor.authorCecoro, Gilda-
dc.description2012 - 2013en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research work entitled “Corporeity, education and disability. Research perspectives on the use of the Italian Sign Language” analyses the historical, educational and normative development of the Sign Language using a theoretical-argumentative methodology with a descriptive-comparative character and then examines the current research perspectives which confirm the potentiality of using body experience as a possible instrument to facilitate the educational process and a valid support for the education thanks to the use of innovative software such as “The software and phonological bimanual dactylology” approved by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. In synthesis this research work analyses, after a short historical description of Deaf educational system abroad and in our country, the Sign Language with its formational parameters (place, orientation, configuration, movement) and non-manual components (body position, eyes, head and back movements, facial expressions) allowing to define their multiplanarity or rather the use of the signing area (which expands from the extreme part of the head to the waist and from one shoulder to another) in its 4 dimensions: the three spatial dimensions accessible to the signer‟s body (front-back, above-below, right-left) and temporal dimension (the production time of the sign enunciated)... [edited by author]en_US
dc.publisherUniversita degli studi di Salernoen_US
dc.subjectLingua dei segni italiana (LIS)en_US
dc.subjectInterprete LISen_US
dc.titleCorporeità, didattica e disabilità. Prospettive di ricerca sull’uso della lingua italiana dei segnien_US
dc.typeDoctoral Thesisen_US
dc.contributor.coordinatoreSibilio, Maurizioen_US
dc.description.cicloXII n.s.en_US
dc.contributor.tutorSibilio, Maurizioen_US
dc.identifier.DipartimentoScienze Umane, Filosofiche e della Formazioneen_US
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Metodologia della ricerca educativa e della ricerca formativa

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