DiSES Working Papers

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Data di deposito in Discendente order): 61 to 80 of 87
Data di edizioneTitoloAutore/i
2008Dropping out of University of Salerno: a survival approachRestaino, Marialuisa
2007The determinants of research quality in Italy. Empirical evidence using Bibliometric data in the biotech sectorIorio, Roberto; Labory, Sandrine; Paci, Daniele
2007Identifiability for mixtures of distributions from a location-scale family with uniformsCoretto, Pietro; Henning, Christian
2007Relazioni tra imprese e università nel biotech-salute dell'Emilia Romagna. Una valutazione sulla base della co-authorship delle pubblicazioni scientificheRoberto, Iorio; Sandrine, Labory; Daniele, Paci
2014Bias-corrected inference for multivariate nonparametric regression: model selection and oracle propertyGiordano, Francesco; Parrella, Maria Lucia
2014GRID for model structure discovering in high dimensional regressionGiordano, Francesco; Lahiri, Soumendra Nath; Parrella, Maria Lucia
2013A general coalition structure: some equivalence resultsBimonte, Giovanna
2014New insights on the relationships between geographic and institutional distance in research collaborations: a long period analysisD'Amore, Rosamaria; Iorio, Roberto
2013A comparison of the forecasting performances of multivariate volatility modelsCandila, Vincenzo
2013Nudging e Salute: un binomio possibile?Coppola, Gianluigi; Coppola, Margherita
2012Asymmetry in the permanent price impact of block purchases and sales: theory and empirical evidenceFrino, Alex; Mollica, Vito; Romano, Maria Grazia
2012Third party punishment and criminal: an experiment with Italian camorra prison inmatesNese, Annamaria; Palomba, Arturo; Sbriglia, Patrizia; Scudiero, Maurizio
2012Optimal compensation contracts for optimistic managersImmordino, Giovanni; Menichini, Anna Maria C.; Romano, Maria Grazia
2012Cooperative credit banks: some fundamental institutional featuresNese, Annamaria; Troisi, Roberta
2012How do the institutions involved in scientific collaboration deal with different kinds of distance? An analysis of the co-authorships of scientific publicationsD'Amore, Rosamaria; Iorio, Roberto; Labory, Sandrine; Stawinoga, Agnieszka
2014Who and where are the co-authors? The relationship between institutional and geographical distance in scientific publicationsD'Amore, Rosamaria; Iorio, Roberto; Stawinoga, Agnieszka
2004Self-assessment and career choices: an on-line resource for the university of SalernoAmendola, Alessandra; Vitale, Maria Prosperina
2004Empirical Explanation of vertical and horizontalintra-industry trade in the UK: a commentCeli, Giuseppe
2004La dinamica del cambiamento nella rappresentazione del territorio. Una mappa per i luoghi della valle dell’IrnoVita, Annunziata
2004The importance of Economic Incentives in Fisheries ManagementSpagnolo, Massimo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Data di deposito in Discendente order): 61 to 80 of 87