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Title: Algeria post Arab Spring: The Forced Virtualisation of the Borders
Authors: Dris-Ait Hamadouche, Louisa
Keywords: Algeria;Borders;Sovereignty;Securitization;Threats
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Dris-Aït Hamadouche L. (2016). Algeria Post Arab Spring : The For-ced Virtualisation of the Borders. Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge-JMK, 1(1), 27-43.
Abstract: Algeria is the core of the Maghreb and shares land borders with seven countries Maghreb and Sahel countries. However, since 2011, none of the seven land borders is stable and se-cure. So, even if Algeria is considered as a stable country, this stability is fragile and is likely to be more precarious if the country has to face simultaneously an economic crisis and deli-cate presidential succession. Domestic incertitude coupled to regional conflicts puts the Algerian borders under unprecedented pressure. Consequently, almost all the governmental declarations expressed worries about the vulnerability of the borders, and assurances about the security services determination to assure the state security. However, to what extant this promise can be entirely fulfilled, regarding the borders’ characteristics and the specificity of the context? Why is the virtualization of the borders forced? As regards to the growing per-meability of the borders, can their militarization guarantee their security?
ISSN: 2499-930X
Appears in Collections:Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Borders

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