Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/2531
Titolo: Past and Current Realities about Mexican/Latino Immigration. Looking Beyond the U.S.
Autore: Martinez-Brawley, Emilia
Zorita, Paz
Parole chiave: Civil rights;Historical discrimination;Immigration;Nativism;U.S. Mexicans
Data: 2017
Citazione: Martínez Brawley, E. & Zorita, P. (2017). Past and Current Realities about Mexican/Latino Immigration. Looking Beyond the U.S. Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge-JMK, 2(1), 3-16.
Abstract: The literature including social media shows that Mexican/Latino immigrants have attracted contempt and have been traditionally objected to as a minority in the U.S. The intent here is to search for historical and other factors that might explain the public antipathy and to identify reasons that could, either in isolation or in combination with others, explain anti-immigrant sentiments among people, many of whom are descendants of immigrants. The perusal of the challenges of Mexican immigrants to the U.S through the decades will highlight some similarities related to discrimination against waves “peoples of color”, not only in the U.S. but in other parts of the world. The daily treatment within the society of immigrants of color as well as the frequent lower immigration quotas imposed on certain groups, including Mediterranean people, makes the topic quite relevant to today’s concerns.
URI: http://www.mediterraneanknowledge.org/publications/index.php/journal/issue/archive
ISSN: 2499-930X
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Migrations and Diasporas - Guest Editors, Mar Gallego & Estrella Gualda

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