Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/3725
Abstract: This paper aims at shedding light on integration measures for immigrants employed at EU level. The focus of the discussion accounts for an integrated top-down and bottom-up series of approaches toward the management of the present migration flows in Europe. The first section portrays the inner status categories of the flows. The second paragraph glances at integration, as it is provided by the country of destination to mostly non-Europeans. The third section discusses the dynamic forces of migrants inside the EU labor market, followed by the evaluation of the “integration-labor market” nexus towards welfare sustainability. A specific fragment of the analysis includes policies adopted by some countries in the context of social and economic integration on a city level and evaluates bad and good practices. The last section guides toward the disarticulation of common beliefs in the agenda of migrants and labor market. Indeed, labels influence both the consideration and the perception people have of the others. The inner dynamics of integration inside the Union are a direct consequence of the label given to that cluster of people, which broadly goes by the name of “immigrants” where mastering the language of the destination country and being able, and allowed, to find a job are of chief importance.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Working Papers Series, Vol. 2018

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