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Title: Alcuni aspetti di prassi e politiche linguistiche (implicite) nella comunità slovena in Italia
Authors: Grgič, Matejka
Keywords: Slovene community in Italy;Slovene language;Language ideology;Language planning;Language anthropology
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Grgič. M. Alcuni aspetti di prassi e politiche linguistiche (implicite) nella comunità slovena in Italia. "Europa Orientalis", 35 (2016): 534-541
Abstract: A community of speakers can develop different strategies in language planning. In the case of the Slovene community (or Slovene national minority) in Italy, we can generally detect two different attitudes toward language. On the one hand, a general defence attitude is widespread, and includes the protection of some language contact phenomena, of local dialects and specific varieties, also as terminological double standards in scientific and technical texts. On the other hand, a centralized attitude - with a highly codified in normalized language based on classical models and normative linguistics – is gaining value among the speakers. The paper is going to investigate both options emerging from the discourse analysis, and to show their relations with current language planning and policies.
ISSN: 0392-4580
Appears in Collections:Europa Orientalis. XXXV (2016)

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