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Titolo: Elasticities of complementarity and substitution in some functional forms. A comparative review
Autore: Cantarelli, Davide
Parole chiave: Production;Cost;Profit and distance functions;Input substitutability and complementarity;Derived;Gross and net;Demand functions for inputs
Data: 2005
Citazione: Cantarelli, D. (2005). “Elasticities of complementarity and substitution in some functional forms. A comparative review”. DISES Working Paper 3.157, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche.
Abstract: This paper presents and discusses the results of a comparative review of the elasticities of complementarity and substitution which may be obtained from seven functional forms, inflexible and flexible. Every functional form is examined in its four versions: production, cost, profit, and distance. The elasticities of complementarity were obtained from the production and distance functions (elasticities of Hicks, Antonelli and Morishima), and those of substitution from the cost and profit functions (elasticities of Allen-Uzawa and Lau). The results of the calculations of the various elasticities are compared and evaluated.
URI: http://elea.unisa.it:8080/xmlui/handle/10556/3840
ISSN: 1971-3029
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