Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/3859
Titolo: Modelling asymmetric volatility dynamics by multivariate bl-garch models
Autore: Storti, Giuseppe
Parole chiave: Multivariate GARCH;Asymmetry;Conditional correlation;EM algorithm;Robust conditional moment tests;Futures hedging
Data: 2006
Citazione: Sorti, G. (2006). “Modelling asymmetric volatility dynamics by multivariate bl-garch models”. DISES Working Paper 3.177, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche.
Abstract: The class of Multivariate BiLinear GARCH (MBL-GARCH) models is proposed and its statistical properties are investigated. The model can be regarded as a generalization to a multivariate setting of the univariate BLGARCH model proposed by Storti and Vitale (2003a; 2003b). It is shown how MBL-GARCH models allow to account for asymmetric effects in both conditional variances and correlations. An EM algorithm for the maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters is provided. Furthermore, in order to test for the appropriateness of the conditional variance and covariance specifications, a set of robust conditional moments test statistics are defined. Finally, the effectiveness of MBL-GARCH models in a risk management setting is assessed by means of an application to the estimation of the optimal hedge ratio in futures hedging.
URI: http://elea.unisa.it:8080/xmlui/handle/10556/3859
ISSN: 1971-3029
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:DiSES Working Papers

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