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Title: Сакральный и актуальный регистры в публицистическом дискурсе Вяч. Иванова о первой мировой войне
Authors: Polonsky, Vadim
Keywords: Slavic utopia;Eschatology;Slavophilism;Universalism;Symbolist language
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Polonsky, V. Сакральный и актуальный регистры в публицистическом дискурсе Вяч. Иванова о первой мировой войне. "Europa Orientalis", 35 (2016): 161-166
Abstract: Patriotic enthusiasm in Russia caused by the outbreak of the Great War provoked rhetorizing the ‘Slavic question’ in a variety of literary strata including modernist ones. On the basis of integrative analyzing Ivanov’s articles of the years 1914-1917 amid all of the writer’s works the scholar reconstructs his peculiar ‘Slavology conception’ adapting usual dominant ideas of classical Slavophilism to the whole Symbolist Christian-Platonic world-view.
Description: Titoloin russo, tradotto: Sacral and Actual Registers in Ivanov’s Publicistic Discourse about the World War I (on Symbolist Encoding the ‘Slavic Question’)
ISSN: 0392-4580
Appears in Collections:Europa Orientalis. XXXV (2016)

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