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dc.contributor.authorLomagistro, Barbara-
dc.identifier.citationLomagistro, B. Ricezione dell’esegesi patristica nella tradizione slava: osservazioni in margine ai testi sull’albero della Croce. "Europa Orientalis", 36 (2017): 97-135it_IT
dc.description.abstractChurch Fathers Exegesis in Slavic Christian Tradition: some remarks about the Holy Cross files. The paper focuses on the reception of exegetical writings of the Church Fathers in Slavic mediaeval society. At first, a classification of literary genres and hermeneutical methodologies – both allegorical and historical – is provided. Moreover, different types of biblical commentary developed in the Greek tradition are analysed in order to establish which of them were subsequently passed down to the Slavic tradition. The article infers that σχόλια, ὑποµνήµατα, ἐρωταποκρίσεις and Pentateuch and/or Octateuch commentaries in a pericope-by-pericope or verse-by-verse basis spread across the Slavic Christian communities. The main achievement of this research is the identification of the Slavic Paleja as a commentary of catena type. It was translated from Greek but underwent to different redactions in Slavonic during a long periodit_IT
dc.format.extentP. 97-135it_IT
dc.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dc.subjectBiblical commentaryit_IT
dc.titleRicezione dell’esegesi patristica nella tradizione slava: osservazioni in margine ai testi sull’albero della Croceit_IT
dc.typeJournal Articleit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Europa Orientalis. XXXVI (2017)

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