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Title: The economic ethics of Islam
Authors: Barbieri, Andrea Salvatore Antonio
Keywords: Islamic economy;Islamic finance;Solidarity;Sustainable development
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Barbieri, A.S.A. (2017). The Economic Ethics of Islam, Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge-JMK, 2(2), 207-215. DOI: 10.26409/2017JMK2.2.14
Abstract: Islam could provide the world with an essential tool to overcome inequality: the Islamic finance, based on the ethical principles of Quran and Sunnah. According to these principles, indeed, the Islamic bank should aim to reduce poverty by easing the access to the credit system to the most disadvantaged people. In that way, the development of people and countries would not pass through the satisfaction of material needs, which today are more and more growing, but through simplicity, solidarity and ethics.
ISSN: 2499-930X
Appears in Collections:Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Forgiveness

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