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Title: La selezione di investimenti in infrastrutture nel servizio idrico integrato. Un modello innovativo per il Programma degli Interventi in Italia
Authors: Macchiaroli, Maria
Fraternali, Fernando
Nesticò, Antonio
Rizzano, Gianvittorio
Ferlisi, Settimio
Pellecchia, Vincenzo
Keywords: SII (Servizio idrico integrato);PDI (Programma degli interventi);AHP
Issue Date: 29-Oct-2018
Publisher: Universita degli studi di Salerno
Abstract: In the Countries of the Western Europe, present weather changes have caused a growing attention to the use of water resources. In particular, in Italy the summer of 2017 – characterized by a prolonged drought – caused emergencies also in Regions who are traditionally rich in water. So, there is the necessity of an efficient water management through a correct model of Integrated Water Service (SII). The rational approach is to be applied both to the maintenance and development of the infrastructural asset useful for water supply, storage and distribution, for the wastewater disposal and purification, and to the management model for the optimization of public service supply. In both cases, the operational scheme prescribed by the National Authority (ARERA), through a tight and constant regulations, sees a very strong push to rationalize the operating principles. This research is part of this theme, outlining a multi-criteria model that allows the optimal selection of investments in water infrastructures within the Program of Interventions, with respect to a multi-subject and multi-interest operational scenario, therefore complex and not rarely conflictual (public interests versus entrepreneurial interests of the Utilities). The model proposes the application of the AHP within an innovative logical scheme also with respect to the current national legislation. In detail, the first two chapters of the Thesis outline the current management of the Integrated Water Service in Italy and in the main European countries. The third chapter describes the programming tools that the regulatory bodies have at their disposal to make the Service more efficient, as well as the tariff structure in force in Italy. Finally, the fourth and fifth chapters illustrate the innovative model proposed for the Program of Interventions and its application to a real case in Campania. The experiment allowed to permeate a complex and articulated procedure with the principles of the scientific-rational approach. The results can be traced back to some main points: 1. the model architecture explicits the recommendation of ARERA concerning the need to adopt evaluation techniques ratified by the scientific bibliography for the choice of intervention alternatives, in fact applies the AHP methodology; 2. the model esemplifies the process of selecting critical issues affecting the SII, starting from the set described by ARERA, leading it back to the set whole coherent with the ATO and then with the subset of the specific territory managed from the Utility that adopts the protocol; 3. the model accompanies the operators in the correct identification of the technical parameters representative of the status of the criticalities elicited, inducing them to the correct balance between the suggestions of the Authority and the extemporaneous solutions consistent with the informative and cognitive conditions of the professional reality 4. the model introduces, in addition to the evaluation criteria of ARERA, 3 other criteria (population affected by investments, cost of investment and maintenance of the proposed technical solutions) that enhance the social and economic profile of the projects, not adequately covered by the indicators recommended by the Authority; 5. the model simplifies the selection of technical solutions that have widespread positive effects on multiple levels of problems, allowing a quick synthesis of investments that have convenient scale effects in both costs and results; 6. the model allows the temporal ranking of winning alternatives, concileing the public goals contained in the strategic planning tools (PdA) and the private goals of financial optimization of the investment process. However, it should be noted that the model discounts the still relevant informative asymmetry between the Utility - often the only holder, although partial, of knowledge about assets, stocks and costs of production factors - and Regulator who instead, in the absence of a correct campaign to quantify the parameters of the SII, remains an inert observer with respect to budgeting and corporate planning problems. Finally, the result of temporal ranking performed on the real case is certainly satisfactory. From the tendential coincidence between the primary objectives of the public and of the private sector derives a positive perspective in the potential collaboration to the development of the sector in the South Italy areas. [edited by Author]
Description: 2016 - 2017
Appears in Collections:Rischio e sostenibilità nei sistemi dell'ingegneria civile, edile ed ambientale

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