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dcterms.contributor.authorMella, Stefania-
dcterms.identifier.citationMella, S. L’eco della Primavera di Praga nella produzione letteraria samizdat: il caso dei Fejetony. "europa orientalis", 38 (2019): 47-58.it_IT
dc.description.abstractTo commemorate the Prague Spring, the Czech writer and journalist Ludvík Vaculík (1926- 2015) decided in 1968 to devote a short prose text (fejeton) to the real spring season and to the metaphorical one, which would be written in a systematic manner starting from 1975, every year, almost always in the month of March. These texts allow the author to express his thoughts in an acute, ironic, but at the same time also funny or angry way, intertwining observations on the awakening of nature with the political events, cultural and personal current, as well as memories of his childhood through the democratic years of the First Republic, in a beautiful and colorful literary collage with a strong emotional impact. Within the submerged literary world the importance of Vaculik’s work was such that it gave rise to epigonal contributions by numerous authors.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 47-58it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectJaro je tadyit_IT
dcterms.titleL’eco della Primavera di Praga nella produzione letteraria samizdat: il caso dei Fejetonyit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Europa Orientalis. XXXVIII (2019)

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